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• Third person camera confirmed
• Team spent a lot of time improving combat animations after Dev Direct feedback
• Party Camp where you can talk to companions, upgrade gear, move items between you and your party's stash
• Respec confirmed
• If you're underleveled enemies will take a lot longer to kill (and seem to take less stagger)
• Weapons will get new animations and sound effects as you upg
• Multiple ways to get through barriers
• Dialogue trees with skill checks tied to specific attributes
• Companions can banter with each other in addition to the player
• Game is in polishing phase, feeling "very good" about a 2024 release

I’m too lazy to look at the trailer earlier this year and compare it to the new one, but I did think it looked much better than previous and the combat looked more fun. Maybe that’s the improved animations 

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  • 7 months later...

There's barely any marketing and no physical release, to me it looks like they're just sending this out to die.


Still hope it does well because Obsidian metrics can't be looking too hot right now internally. 

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I'm guessing this'll do fine on Game Pass, it's how I'll be playing it. It's definitely not a game that'll drive a subscription surge but I think it'll get a fair amount of engagement with those already subbed.

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Is that actually valuable though? If it's only being played by people already subbed. Gamepass metrics are so weird to me tbh


I hope it's good and does well. Obsidian need a win. They should have had them do a new Elder Scrolls tbh, based off Skyrim's engine. Like they did with New Vegas. Oh well.

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