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Gran Turismo 7


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5 hours ago, spatular said:


yeah i wasn't sure if i should start a thread but only played 1 race so will hold off for now. (will be playing with a wheel :D)


and yeah i wasn't very clear on my comment, i agree it's (real money transactions) in loads of stuff and mostly easy to ignore, forza games throw cars at you so you don't need to use it, what i meant was when its more problematic like that one specific one (might have been motorsport 5) where the game was apparently designed to push you towards using the microtransactions (then patched out day 1) - not saying GT7 is like this as i don't know but it sounds grindy, i guess i'm just hoping that if it is it'll get fixed/patched up.

Lovely stuff 👍


Yeah, I get you and I do remember that from FM5. I agree, it sounds grindy to me too, I can’t speak from experience as I’ve barely played a GT since 3 but GT vets say past games were always grindy.


5 hours ago, Nag said:

Not sure that's really comparable given those prices.😅

True, Spatulars FM5 example was better, was just an example I picked off the top of my head. 

3 hours ago, mfnick said:

Hopefully the in game economy and progression isn’t fucked to where it’s actually a issue. Then it won’t really matter.

It’s always been grindy apparently (according to GT vets) so same deal here. 

3 hours ago, mfnick said:

Yea, I’m picking up the disc copy tomorrow so wanted to get it installed now. 

That’s shit. 


If it’s any consolation, the game will install from the disc (unlike on Xbox) so there shouldn’t be a sizeable download tomorrow.

When you play on a system different to the one you’re used to there’s bound to be QoL differences you miss and stuff, just one of those things when you’re so entrenched in one ecosystem or another. I will say the way Xbox handles that stuff is great and hope it comes to PS soon. 

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26 minutes ago, DisturbedSwan said:

If it’s any consolation, the game will install from the disc (unlike on Xbox)


Eh?... games install from the disc on Xbox.

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Massive download for the disk version, it got maybe 20gb out of 97 from the disk id guess. - no idea really but it definitely downloaded most of the 97gb.


nice work Ed!


edit - yeah good point gt is usually grindy, i guess its just more worrying why its like that when theres lots of stuff for sale. Hopefully itll be fine :)

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3 hours ago, Nag said:


Eh?... games install from the disc on Xbox.

For sure they do. Seemed annoying at first but then the pay off is obviously greater than it reading the disc all the time and waiting. 

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11 hours ago, Nag said:


Eh?... games install from the disc on Xbox.


I can't actually find any reports to the contrary, but I could swear I read somewhere that they just download a small portion from the disc, which is usually the XB1 version then you download the XSX update in the background whilst it's installing. So they don't have to make different discs and can do the 'Series S|X | Xbox One' thing on the front of the box.


For the record, it doesn't really bother me either way, obviously I prefer it if a game is actually on the disc and installs from there as it cuts down on download time etc. I just used it as an example to make the point that the GT7 install should be a small one as it's on disc. 


But obviously that's not the case lol, so I was I was wrong in this instance. So my whole point is pointless lol.


10 hours ago, spatular said:

Massive download for the disk version, it got maybe 20gb out of 97 from the disk id guess. - no idea really but it definitely downloaded most of the 97gb.


Yikes, guess I was very wrong about that, guess Nick will have to make a few cuppas whilst waiting. If he doesn't throw his PS5 out the window by then.

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1 hour ago, DANGERMAN said:

That's a very niche but cool feature

It’s awesome. I’ve used it a surprising amount.

15 minutes ago, DisturbedSwan said:

If he doesn't throw is PS5 out the window by then.


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2 hours ago, DisturbedSwan said:

which is usually the XB1 version then you download the XSX update in the background whilst it's installing


That is what happens... point remains that the game is still on the disc. I'd imagine that when Microsoft drop support for Xbox One/X that'll stop and it'll just be the Series version... who fucking knows though, that'll still leave Series X/S to deal with.😂


Anyway, sorry for taking this completely off topic.👍

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