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To be fair @Sly Reflex it's probably been a fair few years since PUBG came out on Xbox and even then it was in that early access Preview program (can't remember the exact name) that Xbox has. So I'm not too surprised about the issues you/your mate had with it back then.


I dabbled a bit with it on my XB1S (before I sold it) and it was pretty solid, still plenty of jank but that's the PUBG way.

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17 hours ago, Maf said:

Perfect timing. Just as I whooped @HandsomeDead at Dragon Ball now I get to whoop @Maryokutai at Street Fighter. So many whoopings this month. I should rename August to Whooptober. 

I wondered what this meant for ages then. I thought you meant whooping like a teenager at a one direction concert but you mean wooping. Also why would August become a month that sounds like October? Surely it should be Woogust?


I always liked the look of pubg so I’ll give it a go despite despising the br format. Does it too have an ever decreasing play area? idk why they don’t at least experiment with having none of that malarkey. 

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I’d heard good things about Vampyr. As long as you can see passed the “jank”. Will give it a go for nowt.


Not going to bother with NFS at all though. I’ve tried Rivals, the one they didn’t add a secondary title to and Heat. They’ve all been shit. The handling model is basically the same across them all and is just bad and their open world design is particularly dull. 


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It can be tried for free, sure. And opinions vary. But to me, Vampyr wasn’t just bad, it was massively disappointing. 
The team made Life Is Strange. So I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately, it turned out to be absolute wank.


The combat is janky to the point of frustration. Difficulty spikes are all over the place. And the “You can kill people to gain XP, but it makes a bad ending likely” was misleading. 

A few hours in, I hit a brick wall with the difficulty. Regular enemies were destroying me. So I figured “Fuck it, I’ll kill the NPCs to level up”. However, the game won’t let you. In order to be allowed to kill an NPC, you have to have progressed to a certain point in their conversation line. I couldn’t progress those any further, so i couldn’t kill them.


Oh, and absolutely every character has a phone book level of dialogue. The majority of which is extremely tedious.


Nothing that made Life Is Strange enjoyable is present here. It’s an absolute chore to play. 

As it’s on Plus, try it. But I’d lower your expectations, as it’s not very good.

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I liked Vampyr after having adapted to its slow pace. It's certainly not Dontnod's high point but it's an interesting concept that just didn't have the time to fully mature. People should definitely check it out if it's free anyway. Also a very good october game I might add.

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