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I’ll give the campaign a go. My issue with modern CODs has been to even play them at all, you have to do a mandatory 35/45gb update, which takes bloody forever with my connection. So for that reason I stopped bothering after Advanced Warfare.


I cant see them giving away Spider-Man yet, it’s more likely to be included in the Days Of Play sale I’d reckon.

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2 hours ago, AndyKurosaki said:


I would play CODs campaign, as they’re generally enjoyable. But at 80+ gb, that’s just not happening.

Ah shit. That’s a good point I’d forgotten about. Was thinking of trying WWII for the Single player but at that size I don’t know if I’ll bother, it’ll take forever to download plus I’ll have to make space for it. 

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  • 1 month later...

Checked the store a few times today and MW2 is still listed as £19.99 despite it being on the PS+ page. I guess the store front hasn’t updated properly yet? 

EDIT: Weird. So it’s like there’s 2 versions of MW2 up on PSN and they’ve listed the wrong one on the PS+ page because if you search for MW2 there’s also a version to download free. The one that needs paying for and listed on the PS+ page is a bundle and comes with stuff for Modern Warfare 2019/Warzone (I think, I didn’t look super closely). 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Would love to know what that means for them financially. I wonder if they are a bit gutted and think they would have made more money without PS+ or things like their in game store has boomed for them because of the amount of players. 

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If the PS4 version of PUBG is as bad as the XO version, you might do well to swerve that.


My best friend is a lapsed gamer (families do this to your game time) and despite looking at a lot of PC games and wishing he could give them a try, He ends up spending what little time he has on his One X. When PUBG came out he bought it in a second. He regretted it, because the game was a complete mess.


We were playing pass the pad when it was his turn. He jumped out of the plane, glided to the ground, but nothing had loaded in, all the textures were blurry as fuck. So He's running in and out of houses looking for a weapon in this PS1 looking game and all of a sudden He dies out of nowhere. Both of us were in shock, so He recorded what just happened so we could watch it back. What we saw we couldn't believe. As he walked through a door frame, all the textures and in game furniture spawned in as well, including the door that he just walked through. The door had glitched through him and instantly banged right off its hinges, killing him in one shot.


Another time, He got down to the 1v1 at the end. He had to jump over a car for some reason, at which point He fell through the map leaving the final guy to just perish to the circle because He was in an infinite drop without a killbox.


As it stands it's the game I am amazed they managed to get out and sell on console. It was fucked on so many levels.

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