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That’s a cool list. Unavowed is the newest from Wadjet Eye Games (the guys that make the old school looking point and click adventure games like Gemini Rue) and it got really good reviews last year, and Timespinner looks great too. Was only released a month or two ago. Blazing Chrome is a cool looking Contra type game.

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I'll give My Time in Portia a burl but Timespinner and Unavowed were the ones i actually wanted to try. Which is a bit whack. Would rather they announced them separately tbh since I notice the game first, think ah cool, then see it's not available to me. Then my ah cool was for nothing and I don't have enough energy to be wasting it on ah cools all willy nilly. 


Dead Rising 4 was my favourite Dead Rising. Didn't quite have the personality if the other games but it also wasn't packed full of mechanics I hated so that was a plus. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven’t played Resi 4 in a millennia so that would be cool to play it again, but only if it wasn’t on Xbox which I can’t in good conscience play and be apart of something so sacrilegious

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Watching Giantbomb play RE4 its shocking how that game is still so fucking good. It plays like crap and looks dated by modern standards but is just so well paced how it always knows when to introduce a new enemy type to punish/push you into playing different. It's one of those almost perfect video games.

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, mfnick said:

The lack of Blazing Chrome excitement is very disappointing.


If you like Metal Slug and Contra games you must check it out. It’s fantastic. Game Pass rules. 


It would have been nice if more websites reviewed Blazing Chrome, but it does look great. I’ll pick it up at some stage.

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