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Game Pass & Gold (Xbox & PC)


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Just did this through the browser on my phone and it said it would bill me after the first month but I went through anyway and it says I have it until February next year when my gold would run out. Cancelled autorenewel and it still says I have it until Feb 2020 so yeah, cool. I guess there just isn't enough nuance in a generic message so MS just thought fuck it and see what people do. 

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There’s a new game pass app too and it shows my subscription on there ending March 2020 too after doing the £1 upgrade. Fucking brilliant value if it is + nice to have a bonus for being a long time customer for a change. Just hope they don’t change this when they cotton on to it. Doesn’t seem right... hate being skeptical but if something seems too good to be true it usually is. 



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I think MS is at a point where they don't care how much people are paying for it or thinking they are getting away with a scam. They just want as much reach as possible because I think as soon as people try it, it's impossible not to see the value in it. Plus MS can be like "10 billion people on game pass we won wooopp!" 

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Yea you’re probably right. They just want as many people signed up to it as possible no matter how much they lose to start with. Plus the more people you’ve got signed up there’s more who will just let it lapse and keep taking the full money out of their account month after month and forget to cancel. I’ve done it with plenty of services. And the gym. The gym can get fucked! 

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Gamepass be fucking crazy. I’m downloading Prey, ReCore, The Gardens Between and Darksiders 1 HD. And there were like 9 other games I wanted to play on there too. 


Not try try to blow Microsoft here but, Jesus H Christ what a fantastic fucking service. The only cynicism I have about it is will this last? Are they just going whole hog on this right now trying to get people locked into their ecosystem, before Scarlett comes out, or is this really going to be what it’s like going forward? Because the list of high quality stuff on there is insane. 


Whats even better is Playsation will have to rival this. In my opinion they don’t really have a choice they need to take PlayStation Now, and turn it in to this or something similar. Which will be great because hopefully the competition will keep both companies trying hard to see who can get the best games in their package. 

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Maybe the only bad thing about GP is I’m now looking at games and thinking I should not buy them yet in the hopes they end up on GP. Which is probably not the right approach but is now a factor in the purchasing decisions 

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I do like my discs but usually I just play through once and that's it.


But I also like to plan my purchases a bit and look forward to them. If Gamepass spontanously drops Metro on my console chances are I won't even bother downloading it because I'm still playing my latest purchase or only have to wait a week or two until my next most wanted comes out.


I mean it's basically just a more fancy version of Games with Gold anyway and I'm not even downloading those games.


Plus as I said, for me it would probably devaluate the games. If you have 100+ games at your disposal at any time there's a good chance you'll just drop whatever you tried out the first time it slightly annoys you and move to the next. That's not going to happen if you paid 60€ for it and don't have another 99 games to fall back on.

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Been interested in Torment for a while but never took the plunge. Always meant to play the revelation games too even though they’re not meant to be great. 

Rare replay is a brilliant package. But been mega cheap for ages so better just to buy and own IMO. 

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Where do you find that information? I always find out too late. Was planning on playing Shadow Complex again but not going to have time now. Be better to have a bit more notice than what the Xbox store says. 

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