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It's old for sure, but with remasters and remakes so commonplace these days, you never know when people discover a game for the first time (see Nag doing his first Okami playthrough at the moment). 


At least that's how I see, don't want to play backseat mod or something.

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I didn't even remember that happened, which I think shows how inconsequential it was to my Okami experience, so I don't think it'd ruin someone's experience with the game. Hopefully not at least. 


My take on spoilers, and maybe this is a question one day @Nag, while I think stuff like Final Fantasy 7 or Empire Strikes Back are just in the public consciousness, there's always a chance someone is experiencing something for the first time, so I try to use spoilers 


I'm doing a Twin Peaks watchalong with some people, there's a few that haven't seen all of it, and imagine if that series was spoilt for you? I'm pretty sure I've given people warnings before because they've spoilt something for me :fist:

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I wouldn't go as far as to say the ending was a 'twist.'


It's not exactly a whodunnit.


Plus, he might get the alternative ending where Issun gets crushed in Sakuya's cleavage and Ammy has him as a tasty snack.


Oh shit.

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Nag says... "As the hype wagon sets out to ramp up enthusiasm for the Switch 2 launch forget the leaks and whatnot what would your perfect game launch line up look like for the console?"


I'll set a 4 game limit on this...🙂

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hmm 4 Nintendo games I'd want


I'd like a follow up to Kirby Forgotten Kingdom, if that's what it was called, that was a really good game.


If Ys Nordics is out on it at launch I'd buy that there. A 3rd The World Ends With You game maybe, and then I don't know. Hopefully there's something really cool on it because I think Nintendo's output has been pretty mid this generation for the most part, and I would like to have a reason to get one

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F-Zero GX 2


Bayonetta Reboot but back to the simplicity of 1 (I know it’s not technically Nintendo but may as well be)


Metroid Prime 4


Elite Beat Agents 2 (with stylus)


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Metroid Prime 4, which thankfully is real.

A new F-Zero game, ideally made by the exact same team that did GX.

A new Golden Sun, though I would settle for 1 and 2 bundled together in one Remake.

A new Fire Emblem in the spirit of the Radiant Duology, not the modern waifu-nonsense.


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6 hours ago, DANGERMAN said:

@mmmark why an Ocarina remaster, out of interest. Surely that game has been released enough at this point, and they've only just moved away from that gameplay structure

Because I’m selfish and haven’t fully played through it since 3DS. When I say remaster I suppose I mean remake from ground up. 

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Nintendo is weird for me cause I don't really care about almost any of their games, except the last two Zeldas they made which I think are two of the greatest games ever


But everything else has zero appeal


So I guess just keep making those Zelda games, I dunno. I'll buy the system for that


Not for a BOTW remaster though, that is the current rumour and there's nothing a new switch can do for that game that would be a meaningful upgrade

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I think Nintendo need to stay away from releasing old games again tbh, that was an awful lot of their Switch line up, so you'd be a bit disappointed if after a quiet couple of years they were still relying on them


I personally think they need some new IP, but I don't really represent their audience on that

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Some new IP would be good.  I think it was Arms that was the last thing they did and it isn't the sort of thing to have enough legs to keep going, but who knows maybe they could.


For a launch I think launching with a mainline Mario again would be nice.  I don't know if they will but it probably will be a Mario Kart instead.


I kinda like the spirit of their previous launches like the N64 and GC.  Something Mario, a technical showcase and something racing.




New 3D Mario

New F-zero

New Animal Crossing (but if we're in total fantasy world Chibi-Robo)

Metroid Prime 4 (But I'd prefer a technical showpiece built from the ground up on the Switch 2.  Maybe "Dread 2")


I do wonder what they'll do without the Wii U to mine from.  With the Paper Mario TTYD is the GameCube gonna be the new place?  If they're gonna do it part of me hopes so.  Geist needs a second chance.

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I certainly hope they send their people to work in the Gamecube gold mine. There's a fair bit of nostalgia speaking here but in terms of first-party output they never managed to repeat the quality-to-diversity ratio they had on that system IMO. Imagine if they went the REmake route on Eternal Darkness.


Edit: their issue with new IP, from what I understand, is that they basically cover all their genres already. I do agree though that ARMS was neat mostly in the sense of how they tried to find other ways of doing a 'Nintendo fighting game' than just relying on Smash. I didn't like it that much, but it would be interesting to see some experiment like that again, ideally without motion controls though (and also, for the love of god, without the new mouse controls either).

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