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Would it be okay to open a "Western RPGs" topic in the Games thread please?


I quite often play (niche) RPGs but many aren't that popular, hence seems superfluous to open a new topic for each, when I might be the only one playing it.


e.g. I'm currently playing Outward (PS4) and there's only a couple of brief mentions across all the boards (I tend to 'search' before opening anything new).


Previously, when I opened topics for Bards Tale IV and For the King I ended up just posting in those myself (predominantly).

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Just to add, after giving it some thought. We will treat this as a trial to see if and how it works. If it becomes a mess and is hard to follow, then we will go back to a thread per game. Ideally, if you are going to make regular posts about a game (even if you are the only one updating) try and make a thread (we haven't got a cap on threads afterall) otherwise it messes with the search function of the site. If this leads to lazy posting, then we will change back as well.

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Just caught up with this thread.  


To me, I guess it may come down to how you approach thread titles.  Personally, I'm much more likely to click on a thread of a title of a game I don't know about than a catch-all thread.  I tend to start threads for games that I know won't get much traction if I think it deserves it, whether it be an underrated gem or some nonsense that may be fun to read about.  If it's just boring, then probably not. 


But that's just my feedback. 

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Yeah the only thread I've not read recently is TLOUP2. I don't want to spoil it anymore than I already have just scrolling through Facebook.


I'll always click the little weird titles. And I think that certain games deserve their own attention. Something like Bound or Headlander would usually be put in a catch-all thread. Putting it in its own spot does it no harm and means someone might read it.


I'm also weird though - I'll hop into a catch-all thread and catch up on what I've missed anyway.

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We've all had this discussion before and probably will again.

But the example I come to, if you only have a paragraph to say about a given game. I think it is pretty pointless to faff about with a New Thread for six lines. I just see it as a waste of time to have a dozen threads that barely have one or two comments a piece. Bigger and/or more popular titles, that have lots to dissect and discuss, sure. But not all games are that deep. How many times can you repeat the same old spiel about ever increasingly standardised 'X' to jump gameplay, before that too loses all meaning?

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I think multi game threads in the impressions folder makes sense for some things, but quite rare.

The bullet hell/shooters one makes sense. The Picross one makes sense (I mean, it’s Picross).


I don’t get the point of the Stadia one as the games are the same (more or less) as PC versions. I remember on another forum years ago, people used to make impressions threads for each different version of a game on the system they played it on. So you’d have an Assassin’s Creed thread for PS3 and another for 360, which was weird.

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On 13/07/2020 at 15:28, Hendo said:

I don’t get the point of the Stadia one as the games are the same (more or less) as PC versions.

It was to give an idea of how they ran on this new streaming tech and also a general impressions/review of the launch line up, controller, service/dashboard, sign up process and stuff like that. As so few have tried Stadia I thought it was worth it. 

Also, as mentioned previously I did put my GRID impressions in that thread, all other shorter impressions were put in that one as examples of how the service ran for me.

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  • 1 month later...
16 minutes ago, Nag said:

I dunno if this has been happening for a while and I've only just noticed or if it's a new thing but quite a few threads seem to be coming up a unsecured while using Chrome on my phone.

it is due to pictures in sigs. I can't remember which ones cause it, I think @DisturbedSwan's does though


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Raptr, isn't that the site which straight up just asked you for your xbox login information to show a trophy gamercard thing or whatever.


Why did ppl ever do that. Also it's a shame there's no oauth type API provided by Sony/ms for this stuff


edit, no actually that was playfire I was thinking of. But wow still insane anyway

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I went though back when it started flagging and picked all the people that had the sig in their profile. I thought I'd gotten them all, but apparently not.


It might have been easier just to nuke everybody's sig and then let active members reinstate their current sig, if that would be possible.

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thanks to @Craymen Edge's good sluthing, I have edited peoples sigs that had HTTP links and changed them to HTTPS, this doesn't seem to have broken anyones signatures. If you find a page that is still giving warnings, let me know in here and I'll check the users. If your sig is now broken, let me know and I'll take a look.

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