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Another one bites the dust. Such a shame. In adjacent news, seen that the Total Film Magazine is closing too. 
Mags really are becoming a thin of the past. Still got my Retro Gamer sub even though I don’t really read it anymore but don’t want to see it go at the same time. 

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Read a lot of Play back in the day, especially the PS2 days. Some memorable reviews, I remember they gave Marvel vs Capcom 2 95%, MOH Frontline 98%, and if I’m not mistaken San Andreas 99%. I also remember they had an A-Z of their review scores at the back of the magazine, I think for a while it included their PS1 reviews as well. I remember trawling through that looking for high scoring games.


Edit: I also seem to remember them giving Sons of Liberty quite a “low” score. I think it was 81%, which was quite surprising at the time.

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New Tron game from Mike Bithell's studio. Whoever is in charge of licence negotiations at that place is worth their weight in gold.


Anyway, looks okay, bit unpolished, but there's time. The visual novel they released last year (Tron Identity) was really good so I'm hopeful this turns out well, too. Either way I'm going to check it out, I usually find something to enjoy in anything that has been dipped in the Tron style.

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I'm putting this in random because, while it's about Sony, it affects the industry (theoretically). 


Motorstorm, remember that, that's the era we're dealing with. Datel made something that modded the game, gave you cheats essentially. Sony took them to court over it. Last week Sony lost 





According to EuroNews, judges said that Datel's cheats do "not change or reproduce either the object code, the source code, or the internal structure and organisation of Sony's software", but "merely changes the content of the variables temporarily transferred by Sony’s games to the console's RAM, which are used during the running of the game".


"The directive protects only the intellectual creation as it is reflected in the text of the computer program's source code and object code," the court said.


"The Court finds that the content of the variable data transferred by a computer program to the RAM of a computer and used by that program in its running does not fall within the protection specifically conferred by that directive, in so far as that content does not enable such a program to be reproduced or subsequently created."

In a non-binding opinion prepared for the case earlier this year, Advocate General Maciej Szpunar insisted it was not illegal to use any copyrighted work in a way that may differ from the creator's intentions.


"The author of a detective novel cannot prevent the reader from skipping to the end of the novel to find out who the killer is, even if that would spoil the pleasure of reading and ruin the author's efforts to maintain suspense," Szpunar said.


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Ah right. That could be pretty major then. Does that mean potentially they could release a game genie style cheat device which could let me access all the battle pass content on Rocket League for example? Or get more of the fast travel crystals in Dragons Dogma 2 which is normally have to pay for? 

Awesome for SP stuff. But could destroy online MP games depending how far they’re allowed to go. Every game would be a cheaters dream. 

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Battle Pass data and such is usually handled on the game's server, so that's a different application field those cheat thingies can't access.


The Dragon's Dogma example is interesting though because IIRC you can obtain these crystals while playing and don't technically have to buy them. But on the other hand that's basically just how these cheat tools have always worked, it's only just now that they've become a thorn in publisher's sides because they monetise that stuff now. In that sense it's a good thing Sony lost this, because this would have made for a very questionable precedent otherwise I think.

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DLC is actually a good point. Particularly for those games where you don't have to buy it to download the content but rather push out their DLC as updates to even the playing field (every fighting game does this for example). Then I suspect it would probably be possible to access new fighters and such, at least as long as you don't go online again after updating?

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The controller is nice at least (the Analogue one, not the original N64 controller) 


Edit: I was browsing the Pocket stuff just. There's a bundle for $99 for 3 adaptors, but it doesn't include the Game Gear adaptor, you have to buy that separate for $30. You can't buy the other 3 separately, just as a bundle 




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