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Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap


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I bought this ages ago but have only just started playing it. It's a pretty good action RPG - my only memories of Wonderboy (bar Jack Black and KG) are from the simplistic original platformer and one on the Master System that I didn't like because it had stats and shit (like this, really). I think it might have been Dragon's Trap. Oh well, will have to hunt it down.

Anyway this is a great little game, it's quite frustrating in places - as soon as you die you go straight back to the title screen, and saving costs you money so it can get quite tough.

So far I'm enjoying it and it's something a bit different so I'd recommend it.

Here's a bit of gameplay footage to watch.

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  • 10 years later...

Thought we'd have a thread for the new one, but as this is, as far as I know, a redrawn recreation of the original it can go here 


It's (Wonderboy in Monster World)  reduced on Switch at the minute, probably on everything else too, so I finally got around to picking it up. It looks great, I love the art style on it, and it's pretty cool that you can just switch to the original game. 


It gets quite hard though. I'm on the mouse stage, you can run along walls and ceilings, it's the sort of thing that I know I can beat, getting my body and brain in sync to do it is the problem. It is probably a bit expensive for what it is, but then it's not like I'm going to beat it in a couple of hours. Decent though 

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Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, recently released on current consoles is not the same game as - or remake of Wonder Boy in Monster World (released on the Mega Drive and owned by 8 year old me and played obsessively).  It is a remaster of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap that was a Master System game (rented once by 8 year old me (probably)).


What kind of Hokey Dokey place is this?  Are you trying to kill via a OCD induced panic attack?

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4 hours ago, DifferentClass said:


I could have sworn I made one.  I'm sure I posted about it but can't seem to find it.


you definitely talked about it on here quite a bit, you were the reason I was looking for a thread. Oh well, I'll sort this mess out at some point

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  • 1 year later...

Another game I was convinced there was a thread for but it seems not. I’ve been hitting my Switch collection hard recently. I’ve put a couple of sessions into this and it’s starting to sink its claws into me. You can switch between the remake (visuals and audio) at any time but the new art style and music are both lovely so I’ve stopped bothering. 






I’ve played as the mouse and the lizard so far. As well as each character’s basic attack there are also additional special attacks (Fireball, Tornado, Arrow etc) that enemies drop and you pick up as you play (one time-use). You can also pick up blue potions which are basically extra lives. The game has a nice, simple old school feel to it and the difficulty has been gentle but fun so far. The first boss I encountered (in the desert) was laughably easy, but I suspect the game will get more difficult.


It’s worth mentioning that the games also has a lovely art gallery with a beautiful piano theme that plays every time you open it. And the title screen is lovely to look at too.

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Yeah, I could have sworn I made a thread but obviously not. 


It does start off pretty gentle but later on it does have some weird Master System level design which you don't see anymore because it's nonsense; awesome nonsense. 

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