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Elden Ring


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  • 2 weeks later...

The internet is pretty mad about this




Me, I'm undecided if I'm outraged or not. Ubisoft checklist design does suck, but BOTW had towers and used them in a really organic way. Hell even Phantom Pain kind of had it with the way you use binoculars to scout out places.


So if they manage to make it at least a little engaging it could be fine, I don't think FROM would make a game where you just go around climbing towers to get a big shopping list of boring sidequests.


Hopefully not anyway, that would be a letdown

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The way it's worded kind've makes it sound like you could easily ignore it and just find things in your own time... can't get mad about having an option to help people who either don't have the time to walk around finding things blindly or just straight up hate that design choice.

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Tbh I think some of the specifics of the mechanic might also be lost in translation here. I think Elden Ring will still be a game that pisses off people who don't want their time wasted. From really like to just sprinkle breadcrumbs for the player and let them figure stuff out. I reckon the mechanic will be nowhere near as easy as it sounds like there.


Like it would be strange for From to make a game that's not like that all of a sudden. Even a latter game like Sekiro could end up being pretty murky and mysterious with how you're supposed to get to the next area.


I'm very much on the fence about it tho, I love a open world that's cleverly designed and you can get lost in figuring stuff out. But because I'm a big weeb I find I don't enjoy the western approach at all (ubisoft et al). I don't think this will be like a ubisoft game really

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Watchtower’s them selves could be really high level, difficult climbs packed with monsters that you can’t beat until the end game. Or end of that area. Then the reward is you get to see where the dungeons are, but will have cleared most of the big and obvious dungeons anyway getting levelled up for the Watchtower. They’re just there to help clean up a zone and get 100%, but you still have to earn it


That could be potentially satisfying gameplay loop. 

Assassin Creed towers used to be interesting. In AC2 especially a lot of the towers were there own mini puzzle that had to be figured out how to climb up. It only became a meme because they stopped putting in specific routes and let the player climb up anything with no challenge and then put them in all of their games.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with the idea just Ubi ran out of ways to keep them fresh and original. Doesn’t mean other games can’t do it, though.

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I trust From enough that I don't fear a 'Ubisoft' type open world (not that that's a bad thing for me) whatsoever. As others have said BOTW had towers and everything still felt really natural and organic, I've so much faith in this studio that I really don't think this'll pave the way for cookie cutter sidequests and revealing every single aspect of a dungeon. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Not really, though. The trailer was just a cinematic trailer. Confirmed it was open world, looked very Dark Sous monster designs, wasn't sure what the game would be like to play though. 


I don't know about no info dump.


Now I know what it is though. Y'all like that Witcher 3?


I just watched most of the premier until my boss came back. Both looks really cool but quite standard. I really like the magic powers, they look fun. Definitely a game I would play, absolutely. But a little surprised how 1 to 1 some of the Dark Souls stuff remains, (Finishing kill animations with the foot on the chest, the same orange glow when using the flask, even the chests have curled chains on them). Then a little surprised how Witcher 3/Assassin's Creed it looked in terms of forts, stealth, dungeons. 


I think overall the game looks really cool. And I would play it. But I know I would play it and enjoy it because I enjoy all these things already. I assumed there would be some new, grand take on the Dark Souls formula. Taking the DS1 puzzle box design and expanding even further.


When actually it's like putting Dark Souls mechanics and style into games that are already out. So I'll probably still enjoy it, just looks tamer than I thought. 

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I watched some of it and it looked very good. A thing I keep thinking about tho is that DS combat is very strict, very rigid. Watching it it's a little hard to see the combat being a good fit for a genre that's all about freedom. Then I think about Phantom Pain and BOTW and how good those games control. Feels like ER needs to be a bit more 'limber' or something. The mounted combat at least showed some of that.


Hard to describe, but I kept thinking wouldn't it be cool to see Dragon's Dogma II with this budget, because it would probably be better. The magic attacks definitely are a very different thing to Souls, that's where it does actually look like Dragon's Dogma. Just big giant fuck off spells with lots of cool effects. I'd have to imagine in general they will try to make the game a lot easier than Souls so to keep the gameplay flow feeling good cause of the big environments

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