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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot


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  • 3 months later...

Man, I just came across this trailer online and it looks really cool. I think? It’s weird that it’s an action RPG. Firstly because story is usually the focal point of an RPG and this story has been done to death and back. And also how do you convey the action of Dragon Ball in an action RPG? Action makes it sound like it won’t be turn based, but then what? DBZ is about its over the top fights and dynamic animation. Even though the cutscenes in the trailer look good, how is that supposed to be represented in the gameplay? 


I don’t know. Those are my issues with this thing as a whole but over the past 2-3 years I’ve really become a full DBZ fan so I’m still in to this. It could be really good.

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Why just keep repeating the same stuff in every game??? That quote about the definition of insanity comes to mind... 

There was this underrated Dragonball game for the GBA. Shockingly, it was really good and didn't follow the original series note for note either.

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I was watching this before and I'm a lot more interested after seeing the combat looks hella-button-mashey because the 3D DBZs have always been completely incomprehensible to me. I agree it looks kind of dull but I'll probably give it a chance once it goes hecka cheap. 

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  • 2 months later...

Um, spoilers, I guess but the end of the fight between Gohan and Cell in the game



It looks wonderful, but there is no gameplay here at all (Unless this is a QTE?). 


Going by the gameplay that was shown at E3 this game is such an odd proposition right now. Considering it’s a retelling of the ‘story of Kakorot’ or whatever it’s just strange that all the player centric bits they’ve shown are things that never happened in the story and then when showing an iconic bit like this there’s no gameplay at all. It’s like but isn’t that the point? 


I have a feeling this game is going going to be middling in terms of how it plays. But overall disappointing because it won’t deliver on what the actual premise of this game is supposed to be. 


But, maybe I’m totally wrong, and graphically it does looks superb

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 years later...

Somehow this game is still getting support 2 years after release 





Free next gen update coming to PS5 and Series X. 60fps, better lighting, character models, upgraded environments. Have to say, based on the trailer it looks like a really nice upgrade. It's quite eye catching. 


Announced is also a season 2 wave of DLC. The DLC has taken a weird path. The first DLC episodes followed the DB Super arcs with Battle of Gods and Resurrection F. Then they did a side story DLC episode in Trunk's timeline where Gohan died to the Androids. The latest DLC is another side story centred around Bardock. 


But it's now getting 2 more DLC episodes. I'm hoping it goes back to following Super and they do the Tournament of Power. 


To be real all the frames and lighting in the world isn't going to make this a good game. This game is undeniably bad. But still cool to see it's getting an updated version and new content. I'll play it. Especially if UI Goku is one of the DLC episodes. 

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I wouldn’t say it was bad, but it was definitely frustrating. I found the Raditz fight in the initial part of the game ridiculously difficult. Managed to get a fair way into the Frieza saga before another piss-taking difficulty spike made me fuck it off completely.

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16 hours ago, AndyKurosaki said:

I wouldn’t say it was bad, but it was definitely frustrating. I found the Raditz fight in the initial part of the game ridiculously difficult. Managed to get a fair way into the Frieza saga before another piss-taking difficulty spike made me fuck it off completely.


You shouldn't HAVE to do this to get through the main game, but the Beerus/Whis DLC can be played at any time and progress carries over into the main game. You can jump 50 levels in a relatively short amount of time, and the enemies don't scale, so it could be a way to get you back on board.

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