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Gaming Shout Thread

Sly Reflex

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4 hours ago, DANGERMAN said:

The reason I/we/whatever don't like currently playing threads is it's a dumping ground. Impressions get lost, they might as well not have been posted. An impressions thread can be searched for and replied to months or years later as more people play the game 


27 minutes ago, Duck said:

A currently playing thread is a terrible idea. Please don't make one dude. 

This. Please for the love of Luigi do not ever allow one of those godforsaken threads on here. 

It was absolutely shithouse on GTM. It made people lazier than they’d already become on there, no one could ever be bothered to make threads because of it and that thread was a total unmitigated clusterfuck of the highest order. 

Quite frankly a ‘currently playing’ thread is a thread for lazy bastards who can’t be bothered to use a forums search function and seem allergic to start new threads for some reason. It was used as a crutch for those folks.

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While I agree that a currently playing thread is a bad idea I dont understand why the tenor of this conversation needs to be so toxic and turned up to 11 right now


Its enough to point out 'hey, we shouldn't/dont need this around here so stop asking'. Calling people lazy just cause they use a forum a certain way is ridiculous imo. No need to call people out about it

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Yeah, I know this is going to sound a bit hollow coming from me, but there's no need to keep this going. 


I think we have a retro thread already and we definitely have a small pc game thread, maybe we'll revisit this in the future with a change of heart but but for now this thread and impressions threads are enough 

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58 minutes ago, OCH said:


To pose a question though, why doesn't the Currently Listening To  or the Books Thread receive the same staunch vitriol? Even though it is the same thing?



51 minutes ago, Duck said:


@OCH It's a videogame forum



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There are several dedicated films threads, yet this isn't a Movie Forum.?

So the actual answer is "when it suits".



The point of any Currently Doing thread, is an overview. Like when someone asks you how your day was? There are typically two answers:

It was alright - A generality 

Wow, this thing happened. - When you have something specific to say.


A dedicated thread is for when you have insight to discuss. The overview is just what you're playing at the time. I've mentioned before, as I'm rarely an early adopter of any game, I won't look at older threads. Never looked at the BOTW thread, for example. (A) Because spoilers and (B) Everyone had already been there, done that. So there was nothing new or worthwhile I could add.


It is a weird subject to get such an aggressively negative reaction though. I've been on plenty of Forums, other than GTM, that manage just fine with both.



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The issue is that nobody cares about what you're currently playing if you're the only person playing it a lot of the time.


Like if I post a dmc or ffxiv post in their relevant threads, I know its likely a lot of people will just not bother clicking cause those games are out of their minds or whatever which is fine. But I might still want to share something I think is interesting. Maybe someone will pick up one of those games years from now and there might be an iota of value to it then.



But if there was a general catch all thread where I'm like 'look at this sick dmc combo guys', or Och is like 'Binding of Issac update XXV.' or something like this, it is just noise that causes congestion to topics that people might actually want to share their thoughts on and diverts people from posting on current threads


The answer is yes, when it suits, wrt nerdy films about superheroes and stuff but honestly who fuckjng cares

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Fwiw @OCHI don't think the general threads are great in general. As others have said, it's a gaming forum so everything else naturally gets talked about less, and music, comics, board games, they just don't have enough people talking about them to have specific threads, although I think there are some for Tool, NiN and maybe Deftones because there was enough talk.


Same reason there is a Star Wars thread and the Marvel stuff did get split off, there was enough talk. 


Hindsight is 20:20 and we could have done something for, say, Get Out where it would prompt discussion on its themes. That's my issue with the general threads (the film thread specifically for this). You see people posting about the same film a page apart, but no one looks in there for replies, or at least don't engage if they do 


In terms of coming to games late, best advice I can give is to start on page one, not the most recent post. It's why I had a word in the Death Stranding thread the other day. But then we also rely on you lot for some of that, we can't all play everything at launch, we need you lot to consider before you post, you will know more than the mods on some games 

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20 minutes ago, bellow said:

Search function doesn't appear to be working. I'd like to impart my thoughts on AC blackflag. But it doesn't seem 'current' enough for you high felutin modernists.


Yeah it's fucked for everybody at the moment I think. I searched back manually and found it for you though, it's here:



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