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Digital Board Games


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The board game threads in online are a bit of mishmash so i thought i'd made an news thread.. and probably a games thread when i get round to it.. so we can keep the online thread for organizing games. 


This is pretty big news for me..


Excited for Labyrinth and Imperial Struggle ports. The COIN style games are usually long and a bit of a undertaking so having a play when you like type digital version might be a lot better. 

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Terraforming Mars is coming to Steam Q3 this year. It's easily one of the best boardgames i've played in a long time so i'm pretty excited for this one.

And that reminds me, i've had a pre-order on one of GMT's p500 games for ages (SpaceCorp) - i need to check it what's happened to it!

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The Boardgames cafe I go to has two copies of Gloomhaven that people have bought between then and leave there. People can sell themselves out of the game so others can buy in. Still seems a bit bonkers to me, but I'm not sold on these legacy games anyway.

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Ticket To Ride is getting a PS4 Playlink version in November.



It's a start i suppose..but Playlink is the way to go with these.


I also recently discovered Vassal, which is basically Board Game Arena but for wargames and free.



A lot of good stuff on there. 


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  • 1 month later...

Played my first game of Terraforming Mars on Steam last night. It's good but needs some improvement, and they've removed card drafting (you get dealt x amount of cards, choose one then pass the remaining cards to the next player. Repeat until all cards are gone). It's an odd omission as trying to block which cards your opponents have access to is a big part of the board game - do you choose the card that boosts your energy production or the asteroid that nukes an opponents plant stocks?

Still - it's TM, one of my favourite boardgames that's now incredibly convenient to play, and it'll only get better over time.

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Looking forward to Ticket to Ride coming to PS4. Absolutely love the proper board game. Obviously it’ll not be same and would always pick the board if there’s a few of us but for just me and the woman to have a quick game it’ll be perfect. 

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On 31/10/2018 at 15:09, Chimay said:

I've played a few more games of this now - a hotfix seems to have fixed the stability issues. @Duck - think you're going to get it?

I think so, maybe in a few weeks. I'll be down for games.


I'll go make a digital/physical thread in the game section for impressions and that. Instead of posting in here. 

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22 hours ago, mfnick said:

Looking forward to Ticket to Ride coming to PS4. Absolutely love the proper board game. Obviously it’ll not be same and would always pick the board if there’s a few of us but for just me and the woman to have a quick game it’ll be perfect. 


The iPad version was excellent and had a great pass and play mode.

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