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On the face of it a space serpent worshipping cult sounds like the kind of sauce Starfield was missing, I picked that perk cause it sounded interesting but there was no real interaction with them in the game which disappointed me


They need to go back and look at Morrowind and think what a modern take of that would be like, rather than making Skyrim and/or Fallout again and again, imo. There's such an absence of mystery and revelation in the settings of their games now, they tried it with the campaign structure but buried it behind hours of doing a Superman 64 minigame


Or Daggerfall is the one they might want to look at, as I think they'll go heavily into LLMs for their NPC AI in future games so it probably matches that design better

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I wonder for how long we're still going to have these RPGs. Seems to me like the PS360 generation was the perfect playing ground for the Bethesda type game: they could finally deliver these big worlds without too many sacrifices on console while also pumping out three of them in one generation and they all did exceptionally well both critically and commercially. But now people are asking for evolution while they can't even keep up with doing what they've always done because everything takes an eternity these days. Ironically going back to the Morrowind or Daggerfall template would likely result in an even more complicated development process because those titles were more open-ended than what we're used to seeing by them in recent years.


Dunno, difficult to be optimistic about them, and I'm not just saying that because Starfield couldn't quite grab me.

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Daggerfall, yeah probably, with all the different reputation, economic and language systems it's simulating. Morrowind tho has more or less the same design, with more or less the same scope. But has more deliberate friction within that same design. It's also a bit of a multi-media game with how heavily textual it is, I feel like voice acting so much stuff and toning down on all the books and tomes limits the expository and role-playing devices for convenience. But there's no sense of discovery if you're just being told everything.


There's also just no hostility in Starfield, even when you turn the difficulty up. It's theme park, but by design. A design some people will say they really like, that's fair enough, it's subjective init. But IMO it's central to why more and more are finding their worlds harder to get lost in. Well, maybe it is, that's just how I feel about it


I don't hate the game, 40 of the 100 hours I spent playing it I had a great time. I beat the campaign and one faction. But the other 60 felt like it was building to something that it hadn't figured out for itself yet

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