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Well, that’s my fantasy critic fucked! 
Admittedly this was wishful thinking for this year anyway but I honestly thought Redfall would make it.


4 hours ago, Nag said:

2022... literally the worst year in gaming ever.

Really? I thought it’d been one of the strongest opening few months of gaming ever. Not personally but from listening to podcasts and such it was like there was a new goty every week for most. Elden Ring, GT7, Horizon, Tunic, Vampire Survivors etc. 

Like I say, none of these are goty worthy at all for me but they are for a lot of people.  

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14 minutes ago, mfnick said:

Elden Ring, GT7, Horizon, Tunic, Vampire Survivors


I've played one of those... it says something about this year when the games I'm most excited about are PS5 updates of Resident Evil 2 & 3.... unless MS or Sony have some amazing secrets up their sleeves that are able to launch this year... yeah, shit.

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  • 1 month later...


Looked good but didn't blow my socks off. Will give BGS the benefit of the doubt considering how much I love Skyrim and F3, but yeah, it didn't look that brilliant or that the engine has evolved that much on from F76/F4 to me. Gunplay looked very similar and character faces still look about 10 years old graphically.


The ship combat, ship customisation and the ability to go to every planet and explore is really cool though. When he said 1000 planets I kind've checked out though really, I just can't really play long games anymore, it took me 3 months to finish ER, so hearing something like that wasn't exactly music to the ears.

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I'm thinking 980 of the 1000 planets fulfill the same role as random dungeons in the overworld of Skyrim/Oblivion/MW, and there'll be things like distress beacons and other points of interest for the actually important 20 planets or something like this.


imo the point of these games isn't to complete them anyway, or to do everything. All the Bethesda games I've completed have had shitty and boring main storylines and are best just seen as weird worlds to live in and follow some plot threads and discoveries, not to check a bunch of checklists off. Which makes them better than Ubisoft at least.


For a lot of reasons I don't think a game like this will demo very well, cause there's a bunch of stuff in here you've seen before in other games. It'll boil down to whether or not the space sim stuff is actually really good or not I think. The shooting is going to suck so there's no point keeping high hopes for that, but I do hope that all the other stuff is going to surpass similar stuff that's out there (short of being a hardcore elite dangerous or star citizen type of thing, it's not going to be remotely close to that)


The proc gen planets stuff is actually a bit of a throwback as well, to Daggerfall which procedurally generated all of High Rock and Hammerfell

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I finally watched the Xbox Con and can share my highly anticipated thoughts.


I thought Starfield looks pretty incredible and I can only assume Hello Games are winding up No Mans Sky now given that everything they showed is in NMS except this has a narrative and reason for playing.


I’d take the amount of planets as to how that affects length of game with a huge pinch of salt.

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