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Halo Infinite


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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Heard of him or not this is a really bad sign.


I feel like they really need to clear up what the fuck Halo Infinite even is. I’m a fan of Halo and have no idea what they’re going for with this, and one of the lead guys walks out it sounds like they have no idea as well


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Panic would assume a level of caring, but they haven’t shown anything substantial enough to even know what the game is mind about be excited enough to panic over it. This is what I mean when I said they have to clear up what the fuck this game even is. 


But it’s hard to take the news of lead creative guy leaves project as anything other than not good 

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Wrt "its not like the dev teams dont know what they are doing", no matter how great a dev you are all developers need some sort of leadership. Otherwise you cant set goals and projects blow out into big multi legged monsters. You cant just sit them in front of their text editor and say "make this game yourselves".

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Anyway, they have a new project lead so hopefully the transition is as seamless as possible. But the lack of any real idea of what this game is (I thought it was a halo MMO/live game or something, but Master Chief is still in it so I dunno) could just be poor messaging but to me it feels like they haven't picked a direction themselves yet.

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Pure speculation but to me it sounds like they wanted it to be everything. When you show Warthogs driving in vast openness and call it “Infinite” and consider current shooter trends this is what I think it implies, the very vague messaging to me was this is going to be all-new, radically changed, live game version of Halo. That’s why as soon as they dropped that very short and empty trailer at E3 that time everyone went “What the fuck was that, then?”


And it’ll end up just being another Halo game and none of this will matter


I bet when coming up with Infinite the plan was that it has to be the story of Master Chief, but it has to be all new like a soft reboot, but still continue from 5 and honour that story and legacy, it has to be an MMO, Battle Royal, Persistant mutiplayer, with a robust single player, open world game and it has to be the most successful game in the world, and after however many years it’s been in development the creative lead dusted his hands and went “Then you make it”. 

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Well that's what news threads are for I guess, speculation.



I feel like the rush to make lots of live games resembles a lot the push to make cinematic universes.


Like how Marvel have basically dominated that space, stuff like Destiny, FFXIV and F2P stuff like Fortnite and Apex have not left much room for others to squeeze in.


Also like Marvel it took a very long time for all those games to build themselves up (except for Apex for some reason). It takes a hell of a long while to build out enough content to keep people engaged.

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Apex isn’t really the same as those other games, though. It’s just team based Battle Royale that feels like Titanfall. It is no way near as complicated or expansive as Destiny or a an MMO. It is elaborate death match. 


Speaking of which, I know they won’t but I hope they make another Titanfall one day. Those games were cool as shit ?

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  • 10 months later...

Apparently this is some Halo Wars thing which I find a bit weird since using Spin-Offs to tell your story was always a Kingdom Hearts exclusive feature.


That said after they completely botched the continuation of Halo 4's story with whatever Halo 5 wanted to tell us I'm not too interested in the story of the franchise anyway. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The open space was striking, yes, but that's because it came out at a time when FPS games, or even games in general bar the occasional RPG, were mostly corridor after corridor. It won't have the same effect again so it will mostly be measured by how the game itself benefits from an even bigger open space and after playing Destiny and Gears 5 I can safely say I don't think it's a combination that works in the shooter genre. Unless they somehow find a way of making it "openly linear".


Going back to the very first trailer they showed I have to say, you're probably right either way:



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