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Into the Breach

Sly Reflex

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1 hour ago, DifferentClass said:

Just play it everyone. 


It's a bit late now but this is top three for my Game of the Year ?


For someone who has only ever played XCom 1 on 360 and dabbled with Fire Emblem on GBA how different is it and what are the big things/hints/tricks to know going in? I’m excited to play it but people saying it’s very hard is worrisome

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31 minutes ago, Maf said:


For someone who has only ever played XCom 1 on 360 and dabbled with Fire Emblem on GBA how different is it and what are the big things/hints/tricks to know going in? I’m excited to play it but people saying it’s very hard is worrisome


Really, don't worry about the difficulty.  You know how Super Meat Boy is a hard platformer but it is so quick to get you back in the game it just becomes part of the process?  This is kinda like that but in a strategy game.  At the start you are going to misjudge a lot of moves but since it does have a randomly generated set of environments and missions.  Well, maybe not randomly generated but there are a lot of them that are plucked from a pool each run.  So you're not strictly repeating the same thing, you are taking your knowledge and putting in a new situation.


As for tips just know that it is just as much about moving the enemy around as well as your own units.  You'll be doing things like pushing enemies into each others firing range.  There are a lot of mechanics so try to be open to all of them because even if you can't control them directly you can use them with some creative thought.


Even if things are going wrong stick to it because you can take one pilot to the past (or the start) with you if you fail and they do level up so it's worth sticking around and at least trying to get that exp.


While it is a grid based strategy game it isn't quite like the others you mentioned.  If you've played their last game, FTL, you need to approach it with that kind of mindset.  The answer isn't totally obvious but there usually is one.  That's all that makes it hard.  Speaking of which they should put that iPad version of FTL on the Switch.  Free money, surely.

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I'm a bit torn on this. I definitely enjoy it more than FTL, which I just didn't click with, but I'm also not enjoying Into the Breach as much as other people seem to. I think it's largely just not quite the game I want, which is Advance Wars, which this isn't and doesn't try to be


I attempted it a couple of times on normal and was starting to bounce off it quite hard, dropping to easy let me make progress and learn. I do think, for as much as it shows you a lot of information, I was still taken by surprise by some turns in the sense of feeling a little screwed. Playing it more increasingly solves that though, as you'd expect. I did start to enjoy it a lot more as I got further in on easy, I'm still not where everyone else is, but I was annoyed with myself for losing a unit on the final fight, which I won.


I'm going to try with another team but I don't think this is going to turn in to the game I dip in and out of the way it is for a lot of people

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I've got a few of the easier finish states now and I'm starting to see how the weirder squads work.


So you have four islands but the final stage opens up after you finish two islands.  And there are medals for each squad with two, three and four island end states.  I am thinking of going all Enter the Gungeon on this and I'm gonna attempt them all.  I love this game enough to put the time in.


In theory, while the game gets harder the more you play you do get more perks, weapons and upgrades which can dramatically increase your options and beat the harder stages but with more options comes the potential of more mistakes.


I had some good runs using the Flame Behemoths and they may be my new favourite.  I also managed a two island finish with Steel Judoka which was hard work.  They're pretty much just about manipulating enemy positions to make them take themselves out.  Doing the longer runs could be a nightmare.

Blitzkrieg are a problem, too.  Just when I think I've got them I'll fuck up with the suicidal Prime Mech.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im a bit late to this, really enjoying it so far. Didn’t have any interest in it because ftl isn’t my sort of game, and this isn’t in some ways, but I saw Dangerman play a bit of it, and liked the look of the block puzzle side of it. Because of that it may be the only turn based game I’m not terrible at. Still only played as the first team, need to try some of the others out. Not really been using secondary weapons either, been upgrading armour and buying extra power instead.

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After talking to @DANGERMANI dropped it down to easy. I managed to clear two islands tonight, although I only really did the second one through a bit of luck with the monsters being idiots and attacking the tanks instead of attacking buildings. Still I'll take it.


The music in this game is really good, isn't it?

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i sort of got addicted, been playing this loads, trying to unlock/get 2 island victories with all the teams, need 1 more coin to unlock the last team, and currently playing as a custom team with all mechs from the same class so hopefully that'll get me the coin i need.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a bad relationship with this game, or rather I did. Also coming back to it helped bury a ghost that really knocked my confidence. Unless asked for I won't tell this story, although I think some of you know it already.


So, Into the Breach. Easily one of, if not the best game I've played in the last few years. A perfectly executed game that is cleverly designed and utterly more-ish. I think everything has been covered in this thread, but I just want to point out that the achievements in this game act as a pseudo tutorial as you try to work them out, they make you explore the depths of what each team is capable of without directly telling you how to go about it. The team that can deploy electrical smoke to prevent attacks from happening made me feel super clever when I realised I could use the blowback from the missile launcher to double the capability of the unit in question. You end up working out decisions that factor in how good or bad units are, the times where your backs are against the wall and you managed to turn a shitty situation out make you feel like a tactical god.


Would recommend, even if you're not into this sort of game, give it a try. you might be surprised.

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