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Slay The Spire


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Had a great Ironclad build and breezed past Floor 50 to the Heart, stacking up strength with Mighty Blows, occasionally doing hits for 700+, and having used the Feed card, my hps were around 120.


Then a truly awful run of card draws against the Heart, only from finally getting some traction when I was down to 25 hps, and getting it down to 50 hps, before a remarkable lack of drawing any Block left me vulnerable.


Sometimes I'm not quite convinced it's purely down to probability algorithms for there are times it feels distinctly skewed against you.


I just wish there was a quicker way to get to the end game, still takes me 60-90 mins to get to Floor 50.

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I'm around 55 hrs in, and it keeps drawing me back. I'm giving the Ironclad a break for a bit, as I've maxed out the unlocks, and still haven't cracked the endgame with it.So I'm now on the Defect again, seeing just how far I'll go to the endgame with it.


Here's my basic tips:


Ironclad - stack strength with Heavy Blade for big damage


Watcher - go full on poison build (esp. double/triple cards), forget shivs


Defect - either go for max orb slots and focus, or min slots that evoke a lot


Watcher - make sure you're able to switch stances to max benefits


Overall keep hand size low, 25'ish , upgrade rather than rest if you can, buy decent relics, plot your course carefully, noting whilst base level battles can get irksome, they generate gold plus extra card choice.











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Hit 75 hrs and I'm now done with it.


30 hrs on Ironclad , all unlocks, and I'm still no closer to beating the Heart, and way too many runs end with what feels like 'cheap' deaths, due either poor hand draws or 'unlucky' encounters with tough monsters in mystery rooms, usually just before a rest point.


I've done around 15 hrs with each of the other characters too l, but whilst defeating the 3rd boss with all of them, it's only with the Silent that I've succeeded with on the Heart (and on Ascension +1 too).


It's been fun for a long part, now it's just rather frustrating, so time to go.

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  • 5 months later...

I got back into this last weekend as a friend gave me some tips (he's on level 19).
I think I'm close to finishing it on level 1 with all characters (just The Watcher to go). Feels like an achievement although I don't think it is after 60 hours 🤣


Brilliant game though, I think it might be favourite ever... (even though I suck at it overall)

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I got the Awakened One last night and it was the first time I beat the game with The Defect!
I know there's better ways to screenshot but check this out - I still beat him! Couldn't believe it.
(Looking at this, I can't really figure out how I did it, I somehow got enough block)


Image from iOS.jpg

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  • 5 months later...

After racking up nearly 500 hours on the Steam version and quitting because the beta for the new character bugged my save, i've started this again because PS Plus and trophies (i'm no trophy whore, but if there was ever a game I wanted to platinum it would be this, and Hunt).

So far so good, beat the game with Ironclad on my second run and again with the Silent on my first attempt. The Defect proved trickiest, I just couldn't get a build together that wouldn't be thrown by something in the third act. So, I gave up on that and focused on one of the harder trophies, the speed run (beat the game in under 20mins).

It takes a while to get into the flow for that, you have no time to make decisions, and the Ironclad is pretty much your only option as you can get big damage quickly with the right build. I finally got it with an insane strength build (I was getting five strength every turn from the offset) and by turn four I was hitting for around 150-250 damage. I beat the game with two mins to spare (even with awakened one as a final boss) and also killed the transient for the first time ever, netting me another trophy (he's the dude with 999 health that disappears in turn five).

This game has its hooks firmly in me again.

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I got the trophy for beating the game with only one relic. Used a similar deck as the common deck trophy (Shrug it off, Pummel Strike and Body Slam combo). Took me forever though, not because of the difficulty, but because I have it ingrained into me to pick up a relic when I see one.  

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