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He rarely puts videos out because *shock* he creates actual insightful thought provoking decent length content.


I learned why avgn went weird that time and all those new shows with people that looked like they weren’t comfortable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At first I thought 'duh, obviously' but seeing as it's about a trip and not a permanent move, yeah, I can relate. An additional hurdle for me is that I literally can't go anywhere without having to switch to a secondary language, which is pretty much the opposite of what a native English speaker has to do when travelling.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The latest episode in an ongoing Podcast with Sal from Comic Pop. They also have a sister series talking about the Spider-Man movies too.


I must admit, up until this point (2016) I went to see every X-Men film at the cinema. Even the bad ones (Origins and X3). When the First Class series started, I was quite optimistic. This one and later, Dark Phoenix. Threw that good will in the bin...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been watching a lot of Grim Beard recently. He does long form video reviews, and he's pretty funny. They generally focus on horror games, or horror themed at least. Some of his videos start with him being a "bro" figure, but he actually identifies more as a goth 


Anyway, he's funny and generally makes decent points about the games 



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...


I'm unfamiliar with this guy's channel, but due to recent events, big brother the youtube algorhithm threw this Castlevania video on my timeline and it's really well done. From Rondo onward I'm rather familiar with the series but the beginnings not so much – I never realised how ambitious, even if ultimately not very fun, Simon's Quest actually was for example.


It's super long, but works well as a one-game-per-lunch-break kind of video.

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They're all there for me.


I've watched a bunch of them mainly because he does tend to cover games I am interested in.


He is pretty frequent uploader for the size of the videos too, but he did have a cancer scare recently which he is recovering from so I'm glad he'll still be around.


But yeah, he's good and while the vids are huge they're mostly made to be digestible in parts.

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2 hours ago, Maryokutai said:

My bad, should have searched the topic first. Just wanted to check his other stuff but all his videos are gone now? I hope it's just youtube having a temporary breakdown or something.

That wasn't a complaint, I think everyone should watch it it's great 

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  • 1 month later...

Sakurai released his last video yesterday:



I think his channel got mentioned here when he started out, but this last video specifically goes into detail of how it came to be. The amount of work and money he put in there (everything was planned in advance) is pretty nuts honestly and puts most content creators to shame.


I admit I haven't watched a single one of his previous videos but I'll absolutely go back and check them out. Really interesting stuff and I think he's generally a very likeable dude that's easy to listen to. Can totally understand why he reportedly was a good friend of Iwata's, who had the same altruistic work attitude, deep pockets of knowledge and not a hint of arrogance about him.

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Mega64 had a stream last night where they laid out their financial situation, apparently they had only about 2 weeks of runway left before they would need to shut everything down. Reasons include youtube's algorithm burying them, issues with merchandise and trolls doing huge chargebacks (which might have pushed the urgency of this). Like I think the only recent video by them that did decent numbers was a skit with HBomberguy talking about coffee pizza crusts or something. So they did a stream and got a bunch of subs out of it, but it was pretty surprising cause I watch them a lot and hadn't realised they were on the ropes like that. The youtube video is gone private but the twitch stream is here




Anyway the stream had a big positive impact and things are looking better for them now. Makes me think of Easy Allies though, how this line of work can seem fun but also very unstable and stressful, so hopefully they have better longetivity



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  • 4 weeks later...

So a big jump I’ve noticed after the past few months is big time streamers collaborating with Hollywood


Kai in particular has done videos with super big time people at this point 


I’m not sure exactly what the celebrities get out of it apart from PR. Or maybe there’s some money changing hands if the streamers are with the same talent agencies. Not sure


But it seems like streaming has reached new peaks of pop culture and Hollywood is now circling trying to see how they fit in to it 

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It seems pretty informal at the moment, like the big streamers end up living in the same neighbourhoods as what might be considered "old media" celebrities, and their kids will know who they are.  I dunno if it makes 15 y/os want to watch Kevin Hart films but I guess time will tell, and if so it may become a more frequent and official thing with others.

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