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Gorogoa is a hand drown indie puzzle game that has been in development for years and years and was finally released today.


It's gotten some very good reviews.




Basically the game involves you interacting with pictures and moving them around in order to cause something to happen or open a way forward etc. It starts off easily enough but soon gets devilish. I've played it for an hour but am well stumped on Chapter 3 so I've taken a break, but I won't give up... Lovely game so far.

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I've just finished this. It's not very long and i don't want to speak about it because i think it will spoil the experience. But I played it on IPad (it's half the price of the other versions) and.. (Blakey-style hypebole incoming) i think it's probably the best game I've ever played on that system. Clever puzzles, beautiful art and probably about the right length too. Really good. 

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Started this off earlier on my phone.


I don't have a great record with mobile games, usually I'll buy/download them on the odd occasion and never play them, but I made a concerted effort to give this a go.


And boy am I glad I did! The puzzles are clever without being too obtuse or pretentious, every time I found myself stumped I just zoomed in/out on every tile, tapped everything possible and see if I could drag anything out of a tile or overlap it with another. I found the solution relatively quickly and before frustration set in, it had that eureka moment about it when you get a question right, getting that instant satisfaction and making you feel incredibly clever for cracking it.


It's so beautiful in motion too, like a big picture book. I didn't expect the sound or music to be as impactful as it is either, it's still subtle for sure, but it goes so nicely with the hand drawn tiles and animations.

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I picked this up on Switch as its reduced. I got stuck a couple of times, one of them I just wouldn't have solved I don't think, my brain just wasn't in tune with what it wanted. The other one, when I saw the guide I was annoyed with myself. Not that I was imminently about to solve it, but the game had given me all the information and training 


There were moments that were a little too obtuse, but it's cool. I like how uncharacteristically foreboding the music gets too 

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This might be the only game I completed in the last year, really enjoyed it! Once I got into the swing of things, it seemed less obtuse. I agree though, at the beginning I was like WTF...

Fantastic experience.

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If people are looking to play another game similar to Gorogoa (I have no idea what we're calling this genre. Comic - Puzzler?) That's also good, give Framed a shot.


There's a collection of both games on Switch. 


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