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Elite: Dangerous


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  • 9 months later...

Finally able to give this the attention it deserves and it seems that coming back later was worthwhile. The controls seem smoother and there's a proper tutorial. Finding it more easier to play than frontier which was my favourite. Gonna be a long haul but I'll have my giant flotilla and military spaceship with rail guns like in the old days back soon 

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  • 11 months later...
On 11/04/2019 at 15:14, Sly Reflex said:

Get it and learn to explore or mine. It's so Zen. It's like going for a drive just because you can.

Nearly two years later but I've finally started this. I ended up getting it free via EGS, and spent yesterday evening doing the basic tutorials. Already I can see how it would be something I'd sink a lot of time into (life permitting) and hopefully should be getting a VR headset in the next few weeks so looking forward to trying it with that.

I'm sticking with KBM controls for the time being and it seems ok, I think for VR I'll have to use a controller though.


I get how it would be a completely relaxing type game to play if you want it to be (and I absolutely do, I'm not interested in conflict) and I'm looking forward to hopefully putting in some decent hours.


I did manage to do a pretty good first attempt and the manual docking tutorial as well, quite pleased with that.

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I think they altered it since I last played so all ships have an extra module for docking. I wouldn't use it myself, I actively like the act of putting the ship down, but I can see it being useful for when you get onto ships that need a big landing pad. You'll find as you get through the ships that getting through the slot is a bit harder. The small ships are find since most of them are pancake like, but the mid size ships there's a big difference between something like an Explorer and a Python.


For real though, this is an ideal podcast game. You can zone out and still play on autopilot pretty easily, once you've found your feet.


I will say this as a bit of advice. Don't write a ship off just because of its looks. I went through pretty much all of the ships on the lower end of the markets and some of them were really surprising. Ships like the Dolphin don't look like they are useful, but you can get the jump range up and carry more cargo and passengers than you might realise.


If you're in for the long run, look into engineering. Even look into the ones that you're not that interested in, since they can lead you to others that might tickle your fancy. Also play in solo, since engineer systems are gank central.

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Been playing this quite a bit over the last few days as I can have it on my pc, whilst doing work on my laptop and split my attention between both pretty well. I'm basically and intergalactic version of yodel at the moment, and that's cool. I'm really enjoying the flitting about between systems dropping stuff on and picking things up. I've ventured out of the beginning galaxy now so I'm with other players in open who are more experienced (or more likely to fuck your shit up) but so far I've not encountered anyone. I need to do some upgrades as the last drop I just did, the hyper cruise thingy to the station took about 35 minutes in real time.

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