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Rakuen is a lovely new adventure game that first caught my eye when I was trawling through Steam's upcoming list months if not a year or two ago. It didn't seemed to have any hype whatsoever but it has just been released to some excellent reviews.






I've played two hours and it's excellent. You play as a hospitalised boy who can also travel to the fanastical world of "Rakuen". The two worlds are of course connected. From what I've played it's an rpg maker adventure game that actually reminds me a little in tone of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and also Undertale. I don't want to spoil anything about the game but so far it's easily been worth the €9.99.

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Finished after 7.5 hours, 13/15 achievements. Beautiful game that is easily worth the €10 cost. I'll definitely be interested in whatever Laura Shigihara creates next.


It's a game/visual novel in which the real world is linked with a fantasy world, a bit like Enid Blyton's The Enchanted Wood.


It's enjoyable, funny and also very moving. And it wears its heart on its sleeve. My favourite game of the year so far, of the indies I've played,



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