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Rhythm Paradise Megamix


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@DifferentClasshas played through it so he might know different, but this is great up until the gates. 


It's very simple, a rhythm game that involves pretty much just the a button. Timing is where the skill comes in. There's some brilliant games, some I could happily play more of. 


The problem are the handful that aren't great. The singing one is funny but I hated it, and retrying is a bit of a pain. The coin flip 'boss' level is a real arse though, or at least I'm shit at it. What I don't like about it though is that you have to spend coins to attempt it, and if you fuck it up you're going to have to replay levels you've already beat to make another attempt. 


Still though I'm enjoying it, it's really inventive 

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Yep, the gate challenges suck and really are a chore.  There aren't many, though.


Well, they're all front loaded in the first half of the game.  You'll get the credits then another half will open up which is set out more like the other Rhythm Paradise games in that you do four games then a remix that is made of of those previous games.  The games are better in this part, too.


I dunno why they chose to do this but there are more games from previous titles locked away behind a quite hard to get currency.  It's not like they're shitty ones; one is the Monkey Clock from the Wii one.  Madness.


This fuckin' game, man.  This had me giggling all the way through:




Video from the DS version.  Dunno how I forgot about this.

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