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Dead Rising 1 & 2 coming to next gen


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The NPC’s having better pathing alone makes me want to get it. I really hated the game when I first played it mainly because of the bosses and NPC’s. Bosses got easier the more I played it, but NPC’s I just gave up on and never even bothered trying to rescue them in the end

Although I didn’t realise this remaster was almost full priced. It looks like a good upgrade but not full price good

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The EG review, while not negative, also mentions how the game feels different with its gentler difficulty/XP boosts and auto saves



I'm probably not going to get it tbh, I liked the hopeless feeling the original could sometimes give. That is really important to me with Capcom's zombie games so I think this would just disappoint me. I wanna feel like I'm in a Romero film. I also don't mind how the original looks.


I really should play DR2 at some point too. Never played any of the sequels, 2 is the one that people seem mostly positive on

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