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Darkest Dungeon


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I’m now at the exact same point I was before. 

I need to move forward but trying a couple of the stages I should be able to do just brings back dead bodies.


Part of me wonders whether I need to invest in more guides as I’m still blindly guessing at some of the systems in play, but it also just seems to be a motherfucker with the RNG.


I’m relying on having a healer in my team so I get a bit stuck if they die mid level or get pulled out of position. I’m wondering if I should take a better look at what some of the other classes can do.

As a general rule I like healer at the back, the knight type at the front and the two middle spaces hound master and some other type of damage dealer. In theory it should work, but i’m getting dicked over time and time again.


After playing about with the touch controls, I’m actually sticking with the pad as I know my way around it better now.


I guess I’m gonna have to just play over and over again with new guys until my hamlet is more levelled up?

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On 07/02/2018 at 11:46 PM, Hendo said:

I guess I’m gonna have to just play over and over again with new guys until my hamlet is more levelled up?

Well, maybe not as blatant or boring as that but do you listen to the Designer Notes podcast? (it's good, you should) but they did a 2 part interview with Tyler Sigman (one of the devs of Darkest Dungeon) and he mentions on there that one of tactics the high level players were using was not getting too attached to characters (like an XCOM) and run them into the ground and starting a new a lot. 


I haven't played it in a while but i'm probably going to give that a go next time.


Here's the interview if you want to listen..


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Made another MFG team and so far after a fair few battles only Ben has fallen.

Because of how easily people die, I’m not gonna be strict about the naming so I’ll quite happily replace a dead hero with a new one with “the 2nd” or whatever added to their name.


Seeing as religious team members won’t work with the abomination, I’ve started making separate teams.

The abomination is great killing the fuck out of people but the transformation from man to beast makes everyone else’s stress rocket up. I’m gonna have to look into the best way to handle him.



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Quadruple post all up in yo face.


Things are starting to click and stress management isn’t as much of an issue anymore. I’ve got 5 characters to level 3 (they max at 6) which is good but also bad as they will no longer be in your team for easier dungeons. They just point blank refuse.


I’m in the midst of getting more characters levelling up but I’ve now discovered that two of them (the Leper class) are regarded as being pretty much useless.

High chance of missing their attacks and only being good for a couple of enemies mean that the time I spent grinding up my two Lepers may well have been wasted.


My town’s getting a little stronger now though. The current goal is grinding for the collectible currencies that aren’t gold.


All of this means that this week’s podcast which was recorded two weeks ago is very much out of date, in more ways than one.

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Out now for Xbox One, apparently.

It’s the PS4 version I’ve been hammering recently but I don’t regret buying the Switch one. Even though there’s 3 save slots to use, I’m thinking of doing a run on the Switch renaming all the characters to z-list celebrities. 


I’ve got 24 characters to choose from now, just need a few more collectibles to max out to 28.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this comes out on Games on Gold or PS+ at some point. If it does, I really think everyone should at least give it a try and I’ll be more than happy to help out however I can.

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37 minutes ago, Hendo said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if this comes out on Games on Gold or PS+ at some point. If it does, I really think everyone should at least give it a try and I’ll be more than happy to help out however I can.


It's a title that I have more than a passing interest in, especially after hearing bits about it on podcasts, and seeing your running commentary to go with it. I know I'd be godawful at it though, which is why I haven't took the plunge, so if/when it does drop onto either service I'll be enlisting your help now!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Getting on so much better playing this on TV rather on NS handheld mode, albeit in terms of repetitive gameplay it would be more suited (IMHO) to short bursts in handheld mode (if it wasn't for too much on screen info), as after about 60-90 mins I'm done each session.


I've beaten 4 bosses, have a good number of characters up to LV 3/4, but I'm not convinced, for me, that there is enough variety to compel me to continue to the end (even the hamlet improvements don't really mix things up that much).

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  • 2 years later...

I don't know what to make of this game. I've been spoiled with 'simpler' roguelike's and expected to just be able to pick this up.

It is the opposite of this, nothing makes sense to me 😅

I've had a couple of 'adventures' (?), lost one character and the others are healing now. I'll try to stick it out a bit longer. It feels like it shouldn't be on the Switch, it runs fine but the controls seem entirely opaque. Sometimes I have to switch to touch controls as I can't figure out how to access the Inventory with a button click for example. 

My guess is that I'll write this off as 6 quid wasted...

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The NS conversion seemed really poor (in terms of control & screen icons) - there's a reasonable game under there - but it took me several restarts to get the hang of things, and, as above, it wasn't really suitable for handheld play (just too much to see on screen and tiny icons).

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