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I had a surprising amount of good matches these last days and am back in Platinum. It's not that much of a difference between Gold and Platinum these days but generally speaking people have a better understanding of what to do with their characters – except for Moira players. God how I hate them. I'm so close to just instalocking her every game just to avoid having a flanking DPS Moira on the team.


The only match I really hated was when the opponents had a competent Sombra in their team. I still think Sombra as a concept is a complete failure in gamedesign. Her entire kit is not about giving her cool stuff and making the player feel empowered (which is how every other character works) but instead about taking away the cool stuff from others and making them feel like shit. That's lame for Sombra and frustrating for her opponents. And to make things worse her Ult has zero counterplay unless you consider Zenyatta or Lucio waiting 20 meters away from the objective and running in with their Ult as soon as she has used EMP as counterplay. I hate her with a passion, such a crappy character. Rant over.

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Played Brigitte today for the first time since she lost the Tracer kill combo. Used her for two straight rounds on Route 66 and the opponents didn't bother countering her so I had some ridiculous stats in the end. I even outhealed our Ana.


If there's neither Pharah nor Junkrat on the enemy team she's kind of still ok, but I wish her Ult would work differently. Right now it doesn't really do anything on defense and only allows a push on offense. I think it should only give armour while it's active, but it should be instant instead of the slow build-up. That way you could at least counter some Ults instead of relying on the same two day one supports (Lucio and Zen) for that purpose.


Anyway, here are the statistics form the match mentioned:



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Yeah Brig's ult is a weird one now. I like using her on king of the hill or second point defense on 2CP because the stall potential of her ult is infuriating. If you go 2 or 3 down and you use it at the right time you can almost hear a collective sigh from the enemy team as they realise their potato skills aren't going to be finishing you off anytime soon. 


Here is a Zarya QP game on Nepal. Apparently there are other maps?


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Alright, my Anniversary grind is done. I don't know how many levels I climbed but it must have been between 50 and 60. And out of those 60 lootboxes I got two (!) legendary skins from this year (Winston's, which is cool and Brigitte's, which is one of the worst skins in the game). Decided to spend 3000 Coins for Mei's skin and accepted my fate of not having Roadhog's.

Every other legendary I got was either coins or some random skins from all over the place. The last one I got was biker Torb...

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I got literally everything from the new event and Asian Reaper which was nice since lunar New year always seems to come around at a point when I just can't fucking stomach the game anymore. Was hoping to get Halloween Moira but the game was like nah m8. 

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I've never had such bad luck before but then again I missed basically two and a half events (Halloween, Lunar and Storm Rising) so there was a lot of RNG working against me.


I definitely need a break now though, I've seen enough Reapers and Bastions for a while.

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Where did you end up in comp by the end? I'm sitting at 2440 at the moment but I've only played like 15 games this season. Comp wasn't feeling any different than QP, just more frustrating so I've just been pissing about in that. 

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I've been stuck at around 2550 forever now. I think the higher ranks are out of reach for me (career high was 3060 or something but I'll never get there again).


Not that it matters to be honest, the skill level is all over the place anyway. Most people at my current rank at least somewhat understand team composition so you're very rarely defending with only one shield-less tank for example.


I really don't like Quickplay though, people just don't care and play whatever and I think the game doesn't really work when you're not even trying to do well.

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Yeah QP can be a complete clusterfuck but I've had some great games in there that feel no different to comp. 


I think the game is very different on PS4. When I was doing my placements on Xbox every game had at least one main tank but I would say about 40% of games on PS4 are lacking any sense of team comp. Often times going into a game with a three stack that will pick two off tanks and a Genji or something. Then you have no one that can't actually start a fight and as soon as you lose control that first time, you never get it  back. So for me I just moved to QP and mystery heroes because at least then I wasn't always stressing about this arbitrary number.

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For better or worse PS4 is the bigger platform this gen, so technically it should have a larger amount of idiots playing multiplayer games.


It's not perfect on Xbox of course and more like 50:50 but that's good enough for me.

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New dev update 


And a new challenge that nets you a mediocre skin and a couple of cool sprays. Or as Stylosa would say, "Is this the best skin in the game!?!? I don't know ladies and gentlemen what do you think? Leave a comment below hehe!"


Not really a fan of the replay feature. Would like an option to opt out of players being able to access my POV since I don't really want to have to worry about people randomly uploading my games to YouTube if they decide I need to be shamed for something. It is cool as a personal thing though. 


And the short story.


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New hero is on PTR, here's the first video I found where you can see his toolset in training mode:



I was kind of hoping we'd get Echo next but he's pretty cool as well. Interestingly enough he's a shield tank who has some kind of a buffed version of Symmetra's old deployable shield meaning him and Orisa together will be nightmare to face against thanks to some huge stall potential. Damage output seems on the lower end (thankfully) and with only 300 health and 100 basic shields he's the squishiest tank together with Zarya.

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He looks like he will be fun to play. As a main tank he looks like he has abilities that actually feel fun and empowering which will make a nice change from it feeling like you are clocking in a shift every time you play as Rein or Orisa for a few games. But we'll see. You would think with the league and an army of streamers that Blizzard could organise something a bit more for the hero reveal than watching Seagull sit in the practise range for 45 mins but hey ho. 

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