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The Witness


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Haha yeah :lol:

How many hours and Puzzles are you at now?

~370, not at ps4 to check hours, played it pretty solidly last 3 nights though. and if there's 600+ puzzles i guess i'm not close to the end at all :lol:

Ahh right nice, double than what I've done then, got up to 160 Puzzles complete earlier, 12 hours played. I think the 650 puzzles are for 100% completion so you don't need to worry about doing all of them.

Made some decent progress again today, got into a rhythm again with a few Puzzle sequences managed to do them all and activate another couple of


Some extremely clever stuff in there to do with light and reflections, loved it. Did of but of exploring after and had a little trip round omn the


which was nice.

This game is a so damn relaxing when things are going smoothly, more tomorrow!

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Blakey :facepalm:

@Spatular you're a fucking machine, Nice!

I haven't played too much of this, maybe 2hrs but I like it. Went and bought some grid paper too so I draw some shit down. Why isn't there a note pad feature in the game?

I suffer from Protanopia colour blindness and read people with it would struggle with some of the puzzles but I've had no problems yet. Maybe I haven't found them puzzles though. :lol: I'll let yous know.

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You manage to finish it without any guides, hints, tips or anything, Spatular?! If so, that's mightily impressive! I've had to get some hints and tips at times, and have looked at puzzle solutions a handful of times when I've been stuck on a Puzzle for over an hour and been frustrated out my mind with it, I just cannot get my head around the Tetris puzzles no matter how hard I try, they consistently baffle me.

I just use a note pad and pen myself to draw out the grids, but grid paper is a great idea. Also, saw on the /r/thewitness Reddit page that someone took a photo on SnapChat and then used it to trace lines on top of the image, pretty cool idea but not done so myself.

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yeah i did most of it on my own, i did brute force one, and guess a bit on some because i really struggled with the


based ones, and i had one bit spoiled for me reading rllmuk (it wasn't spoiler tagged :(). i've been pretty addicted to it and put a lot of hours in mind, it's not like i breezed through it, i got stuck loads. it's good that there's usually somewhere else to explore when you get stuck instead of getting annoyed staring at one puzzle for hours.

did some googling about the last trophy, because i couldn't be bothered finding all the '+' ones myself...

turns out the last trophy doesn't have anything to do with them...

there's a secret room with more puzzles! i'm really glad i looked it up as these new puzzles are ace

to get there...

get all 11 lasers (you can finish it with less!) then look under the box on the mountain, then solve the puzzle by the dude on the floor right at the end of the game.

also after completing it, if you

you can see a crazy credits thing...

if you start a new game...and do a puzzle you can only do before opening the first big gate

i wasn't sure what to think of the game before, i mean i liked it but wasn't sure if it was good or great or something, anyway i think it's really great now.

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21 hours played now, all

11 beacons

activated now, seem to of absolutely flown through it.

Not had too many problems the last couple of days but had to use a guide to get through the

Treehouse area (just couldn't make sense of the 'rule' at all, stuck for ages so gave in and got some puzzle solutions from the net to get through it) and to get through some of the Town area as that just completely baffled me too. The town is so incredibly well designed, absolutely amazing how it all fits together, felt like I was in the Crystal Maze or something :lol:

Made good progress though, all areas 'completed', just got to mop up a few collectibles if I can find them and then head towards where I think the end game area is.

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nice work!

i did the


for the last trophy, guess i cheated a bit by

taking a pic.

really enjoyed it. the reward is

an hour or so of dialogue/lecture, that was actually pretty interesting.

oh and worked out how to see

the credits without starting a new game.

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Nice! Finished it myself today.

Really enjoyed it, but it definitely won't be for everyone, frustrating, infuriating, emphatic and satisfying in equal measure.

The plot elements of the game were so incredibly deep, thoughtful and reflective but I'm afraid a lot of the

philosophical lectures in the 'theatre room' went over my head a bit really, although it was cool to at least try to think outside the box like these intellectuals, it's incredible that a game has the balls and smarts to do something so incredibly high brow and intellectual in terms of story and themes. Didn't really understand the ending or the meaning of the island though, I guess it was saying that this was just a flash in time, a place paused in between past and future or something but it did go over my head a bit.

The Puzzle design was fantastic and they are definitely more than 'light puzzles' whilst at the same time staying true to that formula of Puzzle throughout, incredibly inventive ways of Puzzle solving involved and just adds to the game ingenuity to me.

A special mention to the game design too, up there with Dark Souls' Miyazaki for me. Absolutely phenomenal how everything on the Island fits into one another so perfectly, just fantastic to think this was made by 6 people attuned to one man's vision and they never wavered on that for a second.

Recommended, but it won't be for everyone.

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Managed to get back to this last night after a few days away, got a few more puzzles done, cracked most of the quarry puzzles, and managed to fire off a second laser in some trees. I love the sense of achievement you get from figuring stuff out - the + puzzles are very clever, found a few of them about but only managed one so far.

There's still loads for me to do, but this is already a frontrunner for game of 2016 for me!

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Really enjoyed it, but it definitely won't be for everyone, frustrating, infuriating, satisfying, emphatic and satisfying in equal measure.

You missed satisfying.

They were raving about this on the Giant Bomcast, reading this thread has certainly whet my appetite further.

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Im loving this.

I've been completely avoiding reviews for fear of spoilers, and so far I've managed to complete a few of the areas armed only with a notepad, and the demented scribblings of a madman.

Once you notice the puzzles around the world too!

I like how you get stuck on a puzzle and think it's impossible, then you feel smug for working it out later :)

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  • 9 months later...

Started this, played for 30 minutes then the game crashed a couple of times so I decided that's enough for today.


My fear (because it was expensive, and I didn't like Braid) was that I would hate this game but I've really liked it so far.


The game's graphics remind me of something I used to play years ago but I can't remember what. Maybe it was one of those interactive world atlases or something.

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Nearly three hours in and this is on track to be my favourite game of 2016 so far.


I can't remember if the reviews mentioned it but The Witness is a beautiful game. I've played a lot of attractive games this year but The Wtiness tops them. This game will stop you in your tracks. The lighting and colour...wow. 


And the audio is minimal but fantastic. I never thought I would be praising the "footstep" sounds in a game but the exploration in this game is just so pure. I'm not sure whether to describe this as a puzzle game (which it definitely is) or an exploration game (which it does better than any game I can think of in recent memory).


And I'm loving the puzzles.


To me, even though I'm only three hours in, this feels like a landmark game.

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5 hours in now, and it's not long getting balls hard. I've explored a huge chunk of the map, attempting puzzles everywhere I go, but most of them have stumped me. I've done some of the environmental interaction stuff too which looked pretty cool, although I didn't notice any tangible effect. I'll keep exploring tomorrow and if I run out of places to go I'll have to put my brain to work.

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