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Buying a Gaming PC


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Final bit of modding I think. I added:

  • Sleeved cable extenstion
  • Two RGB LED strips, one in the top of the case, one running down the inside front panel, controlled from the RGB header on the motherboard
  • A 2tb mechincal HDD to use as slow storage and swap disc between my two Windows 10 installs

The sleeved extensions look really cool, but it has meant a lot more cable length to manage in the back of the case, which I will need to revisit at some point

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Spending that money makes me sick to my stomach but consoles ain't cutting it for me right now.


There might be a mismatch here between the processor and memory, the CPU is fast but the RAM is fairly standard speed. But I got confused reading the specs of the motherboard which said it needed to be overclocked to support faster RAM so I didn't want to feck around with that.


PCpartpicker reports no config issues anyway and I doubt RAM speed will be a problem for ages.




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27 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

 it needed to be overclocked to support faster RAM so I didn't want to feck around with that.


don't worry about it, it's just how ram is these days, its a bios setting "enable xmp" or something like that, think that's all you have to do, it gets the settings from the RAM.


personally i wouldn't get a 9700k (8c/8t) unless it was a good deal, amd are better value currently (3700x is 8c/16t comes with a cooler and is cheaper), only reason to go intel is to go nuts and get a i9 imo, even then i think i'd just go with AMD.  realises you've already ordered it... that's just me, and intel are slightly better for games, i'm sure the pc will be kick ass :)

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oof Spatular you're giving me buyer anxiety right now and I've had 4 cups of coffee to get through this Friday.


But yeah I had a convo today with our contractor who's like 'AMD are pulling way ahead with throughput these days'. Concurrency and single threaded performance are way up for them apparently. Streaming, video decoding, heavy duty tasks with lots of threads AMD are way way better at. But I went with Intel cause it still seems they have that slight edge for gaming. I bet they lose it though. The Cyberpunk benchmarks will be interesting to see.


I also realise this is kind of a bad time to build a good PC. I see that the 2060 got discounted but those discounts haven't taken effect yet on Overclockers. Also we have the next gen ahead of us. But I wanted a PC so bah humbug to being sensible about things.

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I sold off lots of parts yeah. I mentioned before but I was getting ready to leave London and transporting the PC across would have been a load of faff (v expensive).


You'd be wrong to not rate AMD these days though in the CPU space. They are objectively better than Intel right now on a throughput and price for near everything except gaming. If you're a streamer or do lots of processing of videos AMD will just be a better choice.


GPU, yeah it's a different story.

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My build is 100 % team red (uugh, sorry) and it works like a dream. I was even thinking about selling my rx580 for an rx5600xt as they are out performing 1660 TI's at a cheaper price point. Intel do still have an edge in gaming, but it's slight at best at this point.


At the end of the day though, you are talking about marginal differences. Looking forward to seeing the finished build dude, love seeing other people's PC's.

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Day 1, just psu and motherboard. Took me an age. This case is actually quite small and harder to work within than the one I had previously so not sure I can give it a ringing endorsement. The PSU is enclosed in a really annoying way.


So after I get the CPU its going to be storage, then CPU, RAM, heatsink and GPU installed in that order I think.


Hopefully it all works fine in the end lol ??




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