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Buying a Gaming PC


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yeah that's a good point, i'd be worried about that too, people are starting to use oled for monitors these days though so interesting to see how they get on.


amd gpu anouncement stuff later today, probably be disappointing but hope they can bring some sensible pricing at least (also probably unlikely)


also want a new pc case because i've seen these and am strongly considering transplanting my pc 




i don't like my current case but there wasn't any good options at the time because cases with space for a cd-drive are rare

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  • 3 weeks later...

Speaking of OLED for PC, LG have a 27 inch OLED monitor. 1000 dollars, not sure what it is over here




As mentioned last page, I've been using a LGCX as a monitor for productivity and also gaming. It's gotten pretty intense usage over the past 18 months, with all the mitigations you're supposed to have on it. But it does have burn in, from google chrome. There's some damage in the top right, but also the top in general tho it's quite faint (possible Strive also contributed). You can see it in greys and purples. Grey and purple might not seem like the worst colour to show the burn in but it tends to be the colour of the sky quite often in GoW Ragnarok


I guess what I'm saying tho is mainly that I don't think the price of this OLED reflects the use of it for productivity purposes, which imo these screens don't seem built for. Unlike mixed content like gaming, where it will last longer. Also I'm fairly sure that price would straight up get you a 48 inch LG TV anyway.

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  • 11 months later...



I wanted to show quick that I got myself a new PC with 4090 as a christmas present to myself  whoa




Tried Portal RTX and was confused at first because it was freezing a lot. Then I realised I had it 4K native lol. Drop the resolution and yes it looks pretty sick. Going to restart RE4 Remake and continue Alan Wake 2 next. Just waiting to download. 


Now I just need a better monitor I think (And to look in to how to do cable management it's messy down here) but that can wait a until i see a good deal 

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Hi maf


I have the same 4090, but with a 7700x. A bit dusty right now.




Was messing around with power limits the other day and found that I could run Portal rtx at nearly the same framerate (like 4 fps difference) with a 75% power limit, which brought it down to like 350W (which is still a hell of a lot of power) from the ~400 it was hitting. Mainly did that due to concerns over the cable issues people report. 


In this thread I mention frame gen looking weird, but having used it myself I can't actually see the artifacts and it does look the same. You do notice the input lag though unfortunately.


It's a gross amount of money to spend on gaming and I felt weird about it (bought it in January this year) even tho the outlay coincided with a bonus and I don't have any vices outside gaming really. But at least it let me load the textures in Forspoken, an amazing game...


Alan Wake II was very nice on this

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Yes, it's very expensive. Especially for me because I had to buy a whole new system. I was looking at upgrading, but it seemed like i needed so many new components and then having to find someone to build it for me anyway I said fuck it. 


I also hit a savings goal last month while also thinking about what am I actually saving for. It's nice to be reasonably secure but what is the money actually for. Turns out video games is the answer 

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Both those screens do HDR, the image quality on the DWF can sometimes be even higher rated than a TV from what I heard.


But I've tons of reports of burn in on DWFs, cause of the QDOLED stuff. People used them for things like WFH and saw permanent damage after 700 hours (which is not a long time). They have worse image retention prevention than an LG TV does.


I had one in the cart a few months after my 4090 and changed my mind reading all that stuff. There's lots of new monitors just on the horizon also, 4k high refresh rate stuff, so it's a bad time to make a purchase like that


But frankly, I would probably even still look at getting a 42 inch LG OLED TV. Wouldn't go near Samsung. With PC strong burn in mitigation is a must, if you plan on using this as a PC monitor you have to accept that it will be a bigger stress test than a console due to static elements.


You should probably ask these questions on pc gaming/oled subreddits though


Anyway a 4090 drives 4k 120 very very well. It's like looking through a glass at times, was playing FFVII Remake on 4k 120 OLED and it's really a huge leap



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  • 1 month later...

I saw on Digital Foundry there's a mod you can download that adds FSR3 (AMD's frame generation tech) in to RTX cards. Meaning that if you have a 30 series card, as I do, you can use that because I can't run DLSS3, and then play things path traced or just get a better frame rate when using RT 

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2 hours ago, DANGERMAN said:

I saw on Digital Foundry there's a mod you can download that adds FSR3 (AMD's frame generation tech) in to RTX cards. Meaning that if you have a 30 series card, as I do, you can use that because I can't run DLSS3, and then play things path traced or just get a better frame rate when using RT 


I used this on Cyberpunk2077, it made a big difference to framerates in the city sections on my 3070Ti. 

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