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Door Kickers

Uncle Dokuro

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Door Kickers was not a game that I liked when I first bought the early access game last year during one of the many Steam sales. On paper I should have loved it at first boot up, but I didn't. A few weeks ago I was chatting on Steam with Mr. Reflex. The subject was his steam tub-o-shame and that he did not like one of the games he drew from it. Frozen Synapse if my memory serves me right. I chimed in with the fact that I had a game like that called Door Kickers and I despised the game.


Tonight after taking a break from a session of Halfbirck's Colossatron: Massive World Threat on my tablet I decide to boot up a game on my Linux machine. I saw Door Kickers and thought to myself “what the hell” and re-installed it onto my computer.


The game is still in early access and some features are missing. Also missing is the campaign mode. As to what campaign mode is I could not tell you. The game has a playable mode called single player missions, so maybe Campaign is a co-op or vs mode? But a co-op or vs mode would seem out of place in this type of game so who knows really. There is also a random level generator mode and a level editor mode.


So once the game was installed I booted it up and selected single player mission mode. The missions are all done in a fog of war, so you don't know where the targets are hiding. I planned out what I thought was the best route to clear the mission. After the smoke settled one of my two squad mates was dead. I'm sure his digital family will miss him. I will send them flowers or a ham with a condolence card.


In the end I only got one star from the mission. I sat there staring at my stats for the mission. I mumbled to myself “stars …. like fucken Angry Birds?” I then clicked retry. This time one of my squad members was shot, but it was not fatal. He will be assigned to a nice desk job were he can eat all the doughnuts he wants. This time my stats have improved I got two stars. Then it happened like a caffeine withdraw I needed three stars. I backed out to the menu and click the how to play section.


Now I will admit I did not know how to play Door Kickers properly. I thought it was like every other tactics game I've played and I should just “get it”. After all I have been playing these type of games for well over twenty years. After reading the how to play section it dawned on me that I hated this game because I did not know how to play it properly. The game has some deep tactics and I sunk five hours into the game before even knowing I could modify my loadout – primary and secondary weapons, body armor and utility pouch(x2). I could even select who to take on a mission. In fact the men I sent off to die have names like Bing Zhao.


So I will admit here in this thread I misjudged this game and I will correct that error by saying Door Kickers is an excellent game. In fact I'm really enjoying myself now that I'm playing it properly. 


I went back to the first mission. Planned out my attack and executed it. This time no one died but the targets (I think they were debt collectors/telemarketers, so really they deserved it) and I clear the mission in under the time limit set. Also I got my three stars. I fucken hate stars, but I do like this game now.


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/bM_Ev7Ks8_o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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