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Defender's Quest : Valley of the Forgotten


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Steam tells me I've put 9 hours into this, so I think I can put some thoughts down.

It's an RPG tower defense hybrid. Collect character classes through the story and put them down as you would towers on the battlefield. They don't move but have different abilities and stats.

You have your short range, long range, healer and slow-shit-down classes just like any normal RPG or indeed tower defense. So it's a bit weird that I haven't across something as overtly a hybrid as this before.

You level up your characters as you go and although you're only given one of each through the story, you can buy more in the shops.

It makes sense to have at least 2 of everything, at some point 3 of everything might be wise.

You also buy new weapons and armour from the shops although the stats are ultra simplistic as nothing has a downside - you can clearly see if that new piece of shiny is better, worse or the same as your current build, which is brilliant for ignorant fools like myself.

The gameplay itself is really fun but it's not gonna win over anyone that doesn't like tower defense as the core gameplay really is just that, just with levelling up on top of it.

The story is very RPG though and is pretty much pants. The writing is pretty shoddy and the cut scenes are just un-animated stills that change occasionally.

I think it normally goes for a tenner which is a bit much considering how "homegrown" it is but there is a lot of a game there.

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