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Divinity Original Sin

Uncle Dokuro

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I picked up the early access of Divinity Original Sin on Steam last night.

My early thoughts are mixed. The game is way to early on to even be on early access. The character creation is currently set on default, so you can customize your character. They stripped female armor art work out of the game due to an overwhelming outcry from Tumblr's social justice feminist, which has made using the forums to give input on make the core game better completely useless as you have leftwing and rightwing morons trolling each other.

Honestly I think people should be focused on other things at this point in development. My short list right now would be.

  • Loading screens that take for fucken ever
  • Janky and broken controls
  • Muddy textures
  • How the game manages resource's to improve overall performance
  • The fact that the only enemy I have seen are giant fucken "Genji" crabs

If people put political posturing aside and try to make the core game better then Larian Studios will have a very special game on their hands.

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Going to add the save system to the list of broken things that must be fixed. Tried to save multiple times and kept getting error messages, finally got it to save. When I went to play again it would not load my saved game.

I've bought into many "early access" games on Steam all of them in various states of completion, but Divinity is bordering be an unplayable mess.

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  • 1 year later...

Put around an hour and a half into this last night, beating the tutorial dungeon and getting to the first town.

Initial impressions - it's pretty hardcore, theres a massive amount of options and perks to pick from at the get-go.

I went for two pre-set classes, as i didn't really have a clue what was going on. Battlemage, and Cleric.

Cleric is standard RPG fair, sword, shield and healing spells/buffs, whilst the Battlemage is all about close range magic. He also has a perk that makes him smell bad - NPC's don't like him as much, but neither do melee attackers.

The interface seems a bit clunky, having to swap items between characters seems a bit of a chore, but the combat seemed deep and tactical. It plays how i always wanted Dragon Age to play.

It's also surprisingly funny. Not in a Fable kind of way, but light hearted enough. Chuckled a few times already at some of the dialogue, and some of the item descriptions and book text was amusing to read. Plus any game featuring the holy hand-grenade gets bonus points.

So, still early days, but so far really impressed. Game has a charm to it, and i'm itching to get back into it.

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Put some more time into this last night, think it's got it's claws in. Turns out it wasn't a battlemage i'd picked, but the new starting class of Inquisitor - a duel wand wielding mofo. Spent all my time wandering around doing random quests in the town, which have so far involved putting on my own play to distract a crowd so that i could rescue a severed talking head, and trying to figure out who murdered a prominent politician.

Managed to get the 'pet pals' perk which lets me talk to animals, and had a great conversation with the murdered guys dog, who kept banging on about how awesome everything smelled.

Game's quite punishing though, almost had my arse handed to me by a group of level 2 skeletons, only to trigger a trap after the fight that wiped out my whole party.

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Never played the Ultima games but was aware of them - remember reading loads about Ultima online in old pc mags.

Was up until 2am playing this, managed to get out of the first town and into the game proper. Combat is starting to click, it punishes any mistakes, but it's so deep; the magic system is fantastic. Had one fight against a group of undead warriors, archers and a mage which looked like I was going to get a pasting, but managed to fall back, funnel them into a clearing and wipe them out.

It's also really refreshing to play a game that doesn't hold your hand at all. No glowing waypoint trackers on this one, you have to dig around and find stuff out for yourself.

My second main character (you roll two characters at the start) is turning out to be a real bitch. I had an argument with her about escorting an archaeologist out of an area infested with undead, because she thought he wasn't worth her time. She also keeps berating me for stealing stuff (I robbed a house of a woman i suspected for murder, turns out she didn't do it).

It's not an easy game to get into, but i fucking love this! Glad to hear it's getting a sequel, i'm gonna be on that like a tramp on chips!

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Slightly obsessed with this game now, had yesterday off work so sunk about 15 hours into it over the weekend.

Progressing with the main quest quite well, something that the games had a bit of stick over, but I like it. It's not as po-faced as the likes of Skyrim, and it's all the better for it.

Quite pleased how my characters are coming along as well - the pre-set classes are really a starting point, and you can do what you like.

I have my main Inquisitor, who duel wields fire wands with pyro magic and specialises in buffing other team members, then I have a cleric/tank - who is still an absolute bitch. There have been so many times I could get out of a situation by talking, and then she pipes. She disagreed with me in town once, which sparked up a fight with the local mortician, as well as any civilians passing by and then suddenly the local legion turn up and get involved.

Ranger is now crowd control, and can summon a massive spider to fight alongside us, and finally, a mage who specialises in water and air magic, basically make it rain on enemies, then electrocute the puddles they are in.

Other points of note; i've married two cats, teleported into the mayor's wife's bathtub and have unleashed the self proclaimed 'worlds greatest sorcerer' onto the land. A real prick that speaks in rhyme all the time.

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Some good progress on this, managed to defeat Braccus Rex, resurrected king of sorcerers, and all round nasty cunt. Crazy hard fight, his initial attack summons fireballs which squad wipe you, then he summons the three bosses you've previously defeated to fight alongside him who each get a punt in before you can.

Solution was to send in a suicide runner to grab his attention whilst the remaining three waited by the entrance to the fight. Sorry cleric, but smashing these elemental guys in the face with a club just wouldn't cut it.

They then bottlenecked in a doorway so I could take them out one at a time, throwing every spell, scroll and elemental arrow I had at them.

Also managed to re-unite headless Nick's head with it's body as well, he was so happy that I'd also previously killed the pirate that beheaded him that he promised to fight with me whenever I need him.

I can now summon him, alongside what is probably my favourite in game ability in recent memory - the foot grenade, where he lobs his foot to do crushing damage and cause disease.

Nice one Nick!

So, 24 hours in, and i'm finally leaving the starting area!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got back into this last night after a small break - I hit a new area that was just repeatedly kicking my arse. It still is, but I made progress last night ,albeit very slow progress. Basically the new enemy tactic is lots of same level cultists that seem to repeatedly heal each other. It's not so much the difficulty that's annoying, it's the fact they keep using haste spell, so characters keep jumping in front of your turn, and then you have to wake for eight or nine enemy characters to take their turn. I spent an hour and a half on one fight as at the last minute, something wouldn't go in my favour and they'd wipe me out.

Still, on the cusp of getting my characters onto the next level of spells, aquired a spell book for my ranger that does massive area damage so that should help!

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  • 2 months later...

Played an hour and a half of this (the Enhanced Edition). I went with the classic difficulty and for my party chose a fighter and ranger and took the default stats and abilities. I played through the game's training dungeon and explored the island you start on as far as the encounter with the orcs. Seems like the game has all the ingredients of a meaty rpg. It has a good sense of humour and the two-player party adds a little twist. Looking forward to playing!

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