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No Man's Sky

Uncle Dokuro

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Watching a bit of a stream, it looks like a sort of mining/repairing exploring game that ive seen a few betas of and sort of enjoyed watching to be honest. They have all gone for about 20 quid on release though and i would feel reluctant to fork out full retail for this without having seen a lot more of it and checked some reviews first.

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6 hours ago, retroed said:

No way can you give this a score after such a short amount of time. Jim Sterling must be desperate for the clicks. 


The patreon supported Jim Sterling, who has no ads on his site. Must be desperate for those sweet, sweet clicks ;).


Don't be that stereotype gamer guy, deducing ulterior motives because someone doesn't like a game you're hyped for.  



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I was caught off guard after having an awestruck session on No Man's Sky where I spent half the time with my jaw on the floor. Won't happen again, folks. I'm sorry. 


I love this mediocre game, even though it has hard crashed me to the dashboard twice. 

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Having not played it (watched a stream or two), I can see the difference being if you get captured by the world. Same with Everybody's Gone to the Rapture etc, if the game world captures you you'll enjoy it, if it doesn't then there's not a lot else to hook you 

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