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The Swapper


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I played through this at the weekend and really enjoyed it. It's quite hands off with the story for most of the game, you're kind of filling it in yourself, but once it gets to it it's done really well.

It's mainly just a puzzle game though, ever so slightly with a Castlevania/Metroid map. You make your way through the level, there'll be obstructions that require orbs to move, so you'll have to go to a room where there's a puzzle to find some.

The mechanics are pretty simple, you get a gun called the swapper that lets you make clones and eventually fire your 'soul' in to them. You can only have so many clones out and they all move when you do. It's really simple but the environment gets more complicated. Rather than just working out angles and platforms, you end up having lights that block the clone ability or the soul swapping ability

It's mostly a perfect challenge, but I had to look up 2 of the last 3 puzzles on youtube, they're a bit more fiddly than I'd been used to, dumping clones so you can edge a bit closer to where you need to be. Really good game though, and I haven't done a very good job of explaining it

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  • 3 months later...

I've got back into this now that they've patched in pad support.

I'm not sure how far through it I am, the Planet Survey bit, so I think I'm well past the tutorials. I don't believe it's a long game.

I have used a guide for some puzzles but on the whole I can figure them out.

It's pretty good and I think is out or coming out to the new generation of consoles so worth picking up on those.

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  • 10 months later...

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