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Rogue Legacy


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  • 3 years later...

I hate this fucking game!


It's too hard! I'm just wasting run after run, dying early and having no money. Also, having no fun. I can't stand it when you get a charachter that has fuck all health, it seems pointless. I want to get in to it but i can only play for 15 minutes then I have to turn it off cos I get too frustrated.


EDIT: No idea why the text is small, if I try to change the font size to bigger it gets even smaller so ?

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Yeah, I didn't like this either. It feels so unsatisfactory in nearly every regard. The movement feels kind of wack. The combat feels ripped from the 1980's. You spend more time hitting pots to gain gold than you do from enemies. The game gives you 3 choices and sometimes those 3 choices are all guff. Also the text is impossibly small in the Vita version of the game.


I'm on the goodship fuck this game with @illdog. Not because it's hard, because it's fucking shit and full of bad design choices or uninspiring mechanics.

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I've actually been playing a shit ton of this recently, because I didn't bother renewing PS+ because the "free" games are a giant mount of sweating dog turds and have been for months now.

I restarted the game, and yea, man, you get fucked over hard in the early game, you need to spend your money on upgrades so you don't die when someone in the next room farts.

but in that classic min-max strategy, dumping all your upgrade points into damage and smashing the face in of any chump stood in front of you.

text on the vita is small, but there's nothing really worth reading, make your own story up, whatever... man did a thing, hit some shit and coins fell out. upgrades did happen and the people cheered...

Maybe I've gone past that awkward kink in the learning curve where I don't really have to think about what I'm doing when I'm playing, but I'm still enjoying this.

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  • 11 months later...

Two to Three pages of searching later and I find this dead old thread. Nearly a year since anyone even had anything to say on it.


Still, let's get started!


Already spent several hours at it and I'm loving it. Still (at "level 50") not been able to beat the first eyeball boss, but that isn't really a problem. It reminds me of a more action oriented Binding of Isaac, albeit drawing inspiration from Ghouls N Ghosts/Maximo (whereas Dead Cells is clearly more a homage to Castlevania) over Legend of Zelda. Just like BoI, finding the best starting item Spell is key. 'Conflux' is the early game answer to that question. Although now I am comfortable in progressing to the areas beyond the Castle, it is clear from the difficulty spikes this game isn't as non-linear as you would expect. The forest feels like World 2, whereas the Land of Darkness gave me the distinct impression I shouldn't be there at all ?


The deaths don't bother me. In as much as some descendant trees are so naff and riddled with negative traits, they are simply kamikaze run fodder. As with BoI, you have to accept not every run is a winner. Recently unlocked Hokage, Spelunker and Lich King job classes. The latter, alongside the mighty Crow Storm spell, is god tier. The risk/reward system behind the Lich job class reminds me of Blue Baby runs in Isaac, too. Not going to ramble on with every play session, as this is an old game and therefore anything I would have to say is probably redundant and/or previously expressed in the thread. I'll check back in when I've slain one of the big bosses and the game opens up a bit more.

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Second Boss - Alexander - Dead

Getting the hang of Dragon Class. It is slightly less shite. However, my typical min-max approach to levelling up currently has me at level 103?

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Third Boss - Ponce de Leon - Dead

That's The Maya done, only Land of Darkness to go. Level 151 now. Unlocked all the runes, most of the manor and not as much of the armoury as I would like. Onward..!

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Fourth Boss - Herodotus - Dead

Land of Darkness done. Actually a bit easier than The Maya, I thought. Now I was expecting another level beyond the Big Door, but it is just the final boss fight. Given the nature of this game, I doubt killing this boss will be The End though. I do realise that most of the exploration and crowd control job classes are useless now. Hokage or Barbarian for the win I think!

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Final Boss - Dead


That's it. Finished. Didn't take as long as I was expecting. It was more than a week before I even reached the Final boss in Binding of Isaac. Maybe I'm not as shite at gaming as I thought I'd become.

Final Stats:

Level. 162

Final Job Class: Spellsword (this class + Flame Barrier = Goodnight final boss)

Children/Lives: 314

Total Play Time: 24.34

There is a NG+ but, I've rarely found interest in such things so I think I'm done here.

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