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Rogue Legacy


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Yeah I levelled up a lot. By the time I started + mode I was about level 115. I'm 213 now I think.Once I'd levelled up my Critical damage,percentage,health and armour, It wasn't too bad. And with my gold increase and Charon's Toll maxed out, I was making tons of cash.

With each Barbarian run I could clear the first area and forest making at least 15000 a time, sometimes even 20000. As for the boss fights, they're no different at alll, apart from having more health. So when you've beaten them before, they're simple enough. Killed the last boss on my first attempt this time, absolutely battered him.

And now ++ mode has started, which upgrades the enemies with their harder, later area equivelents. But with a 100% gold increase as well.

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  • 5 months later...

A redirected post from the PSN+ thread. Seems like a sensible thing to do.

Put another hour in. Had some fairly ridiculous runs that allowed me to open up loads of the upgrade tree. Had a go at the eyeball fucker, but only one class seemed to do well against it, I can't survive long enough to get the bar all the way down and finish it off. Can't get the same class to show up and help me try and replicate that beating I dealt out before getting killed.

Had a look in some of the other area's. Yeah, they can fuck off, took me about 20 hits to kill one of the soldier guys.

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Yeah until you've levelled up, the other areas are pretty hard. To be honest, I used to run like fuck through those, to reach their boss room. Lock the castle down, then loot the other, slightly easier zones to power up. Then I'd try the boss. If I felt I was totally outclassed, I'd let the castle respawn and try again later.

You do eventually gain the ability to re-roll your character choices. Boss-wise, I always went for Hokage. You don't get much health, but do tons of damage. Barbarians have better health, but until you bump their attack/critical stats up, boss fights are an endurance test.

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Got the boss area, locked the castle down and beat the boss down to a few more hits, I got all excited and then died. Immediately started again with a better heir, ran into the castle without locking it down... :facepalm:

Anyway, played a bit, found the room again and this time made sure I locked it down. Went through about 10 tries trying to get one I knew I could beat it with, failed to do that but managed to kill it with an Archmage anyway.

I'm not enjoying this. It isn't fun for me. I feel like I'm addicted to it though, the game over screen happens and I go right back in to see what I can unlock.

While I'm here whining, fuck Vertigo. Easily the worst thing to happen to gaming since the SEGA stopped being good.

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I use whatever the game rolls me. If the magic pool is there and it's refreshing mana on hits and kills, it's the best way to kill stuff. That glaive thing you throw out that returns to you can be jumped over on return to hit stuff through walls, it's particularly good against those 2 big skeleton bosses you occasionally come across. I prefer Paladins as my go to, it's that class that generally gives me my longest gold runs.

Speaking of those mini bosses, there's a big soldier that I've not managed to kill yet. I'm going to need a decent Paladin to run him down, or a Archmage that has throwing knives or fireballs because I can't avoid the charge he does. There's a duo of plant bosses I have killed. I just cheesed them by hitting underneath.

I accidently went in another boss room because I couldn't see what I was doing, I got fucked by a blob. It probably didn't help help that I had retro graphics and another eye disorder at the same time.

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Had a couple of really good gold runs today.

Maxed out my gold tree and the one that takes the amount the guy takes off you when you go in, few more points here and there, upgraded my gear and now running with double jump, dash and 3 vampire runes so stealing back 6 health on every kill.

Found the third boss, died, locked down the dungeon, came back as a weaker class but with better strength and properly battered Ponce de Leon. :)

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Finished for a third time now.

There was a discussion on one of my streams about an insane trophy of completing the game 15 times without locking down the game with the architect. I reckon that's easily doable at this point - my skill tree is mostly full now and I am just ripping through everything in sight. Plus most of the treasure chests are giving me stat boosts.

Unless the game ramps up each play through as harshly as the first couple of times, I can see me bouncing from one boss to another, using the barbarian with their insanely large health pool.

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Geminiphobia trophy_gold.png

Step 6: Create a brand new save and complete the game dying 15 times or less

Now it is time for the most stressful step of the game. You want to create a brand new save file and beat the game once only dying less than 15 times. In this step you'll want to use what you have learned and carefully make your way through the game.

I think you start off without power ups, looking at that.

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Well, I can see how it's a thing that people would consider.

If you think about it, Rogue Legacy is a bit of a "Bullet Hell" game. as you get further into the game, and you level up, you can take the odd hit here and there, sure, but I found that mostly, you're tuning your skills to "read" enemy attacks and dodge out of the way. it's a skill that's essential if you're going to best some of the bosses (especially the eye boss for the second time, Neo Khadir) and it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch of the imagination to think that if you're shit hot at dodging then 15 runs to beat each boss, and beef yourself up for the final boss. If your'e surviving long enough to clear a few of the areas, then you should have enough gold to level up a few of your stats, and get yourself the double jump and dash.

having said that,

there's absolutely no way I'll be able to manage this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's funny you should mention those - they took them out of the Playstation version for some reason. Maybe it seemed irrelevant to the console audience or maybe Sony had a problem with it for some reason.

Instead you get massive paintings with what looks like different stages of enemy design.

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I beat the eyeball boss yesterday, fairly easily on the attempt that I did it, I think I only got hit once. I really should have managed it earlier, but I constantly forget to lock the castle down so have to find it all over again.

Not sure where I'm going next, probably the forest. The enemies in the tower and dungeon seem really hard right now.

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