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Rogue Legacy


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I've done all 4 bosses and managed to get to the final boss.

but the final final boss kicked me hard :(

Is the top tower boss the fire guy? dodge and weave. I had my character set up with dodge and double jump and the throwy disc thing.

fire the throwy disk thing, get in a hit or two, then run off to the side.

I've been pumping money into both the crit stats, you can get some amazing damage out.

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Fire one, I have the slime one to go, though I find the area itself really tough down there.

I use the dodge rune, it's been essential, even just for getting some of the chests like the one that says "no looking". You dodge backwards towards it!

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Yeah I wondered about that.

Only reason I've reached the Slime boss is it generated his boss door in the second room I got to. Normally that area destroys me. So of course I've locked the castle down.

Problem is, I don't think I'm strong enough to kill him. So may have to randomise the castle again. Hmmm...

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The slime boss is a piece of cake if you have the "P.A.D" trait, as you don't set off spike traps, just run left and right swinging like a mad man.

Otherwise, like asteroids, try to focus on eliminating small ones before breaking up bigger ones. I also did this with a lich king, so I'd get health back for every slime and ghosty guy I'd take out.

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Had a right good session on this just now. Took me multiple attempts, but I finally killed the slime boss. In the end my Barbarian Queen did the trick. Got all of them on the bottom floor of the boss room, and lured them out one by one. Was a fairly long fight, but I got it done.

Then I fond the fire boss. He was a pain in the arse, but Hokage eventually saved the day.

Now I'm at the last boss. And he destroyed me.

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Beat the final boss, used my tank barbarian and critted the guy to death!


Although, I'm kinda regretting it. I've been put right into new game plus, and man! It's tough! I wish I'd spent more time cheesing the game on loot runs. The fairy chests are giving me stat boosts now and I need them!

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