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The Comic Book Thread


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Having a Netflix type thing for comics is cool if you haven't read something and want to catch up. But one of the reasons i have Netflix is stuff I like (House of Cards, Breaking Bad etc) is exclusive and on there first. No one has that in comics yet, even on Marvel Unlimited it takes about a month for a book to go up.

I ain't going to wait an extra month for say Ms Marvel when I can pay a few quid to get it now. :)

Was thinking about new Spiderman. They can't do ANOTHER origin story movie again can they? But I don't think they'll do a Miles Morales Spiderman (I wish they would). Be interesting to see what happens.

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Theyve said its going to be Parker rather than Morales, and im actually fine with that. I kind of hope they stick with Garfield as Spider-Man, I have really enjoyed his two films. Im not sure who I would rather have as Parker, I honestly dont know who the front runners are.

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I haven't seen the second Garfield one. First one I remember being ok.

The thing is he's in his 30's now right and if they want a Spiderman to complete this phase of movies he'll be near 40 went it's finished. That's pretty old for Spiderman when they've just got him back.

We'll see. There's so many ways they can go with, even more so if it's true he'll be in Civil War.

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I thought I'd join in as I've been reading graphic novels on my Android tablet as of late.

So far I've read V for Vendetta, Superman: Red Son, Batman: The Killing Joke, and I've been going through the Judge Dread complete case files.

V for Vendetta was a good read. It's very much like the film that was based on it. Only more detailed.

Red Son was fabulous. It's a "What If?" story, which describes the scenario of Superman landingon Earth just twelve hours later than he actually did. He lands in Siberia, and is brought up by a good communist farm family. He later grows to become Stalin's secret weapon against the capitalist pigs in the USA. I really enjoyed this story, which also includes Lex Luthor as a good guy, and also Soviet Batman, and Soviet Wonder Woman.

The Killing Joke is a really good Batman/Joker story, which reminded me heavily of the Batman comics I used to read as a kid. It was quite weird when I was a young nerd, as while the TV Batman was the camp Adam West version, the comics were the gritty gothic 'Dark Knight' kind, albeit with a grey and blue Batman.

And Judge Dredd speaks for himself. The Complete Case Files is a collection of all the 2000AD strips from the start, and it's great to re-read the stories I read as a kid. I'm loving the old stories of Judge Death, Umpty Candy, the most addictive substance ever, The East Meg/Mega City wars, etc. It's a great read.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Comixology are giving away a heap of comics..

Locke and Key - Volume 1 (a favourite of mine)

Scott Pilgrim - Volume 1

Saga #1

Wicked + Divine #1

Sonic/Mega crossover - Vol 1

A Batman: Arkham Knight/Fables:TWAU/Mortal Kombat bundle.

Plus a few more.

Check their Twitter to for a link and what code you need to use. https://mobile.twitter.com/comixology

A few of them codes expire at midnight so get on it.

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Missed it.

Here's a question, wrong forum really but I never really read many comics as a kid. Some bigger graphic novels as an adult though.

If I started now and I'm sure this is HUGE a can of worms but where to start? :)

Just pick what I like a go for it?

Edit: maybe Scribd is a good start, then I can access all the old stuff!

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I'm not over it yet, in fact some back stories would be pretty cool. I'm just not sure which are just cash ins and which are good?

Any Batman recommendations? I'd happily read about the Avengers too. Spider Man can suck it.

Also happy to see something new. Watchmen was ace and is not heard of it before (this was pre-movie).

Has anyone read Maus? Highly recommend it, really amazing. Meant to be one of the best portrayals of life during WW2, I thought it was excellent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Marvel Spiderman will be Peter Parker but they want to do Miles "if this all works out".

Won't be an origin story and will "take for granted" that people already know it. They want it to be "a young high school kid dealing with his powers."


Pikman! I'll right up what Batman stuff I like tomorrow.

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  • 1 month later...

I know there's a few Attack on Titan fans here so I thought I'd post that the short Marvel vs Attack on Titan crossover that was in the Secret Wars #0 which was given out on Free Comic Book day is now available digitally for free..



You should also pick up the New Avengers/Uncanny Inhumans preview that was given out on FCBD too as it's really good..



Been loving all the new Secret War stuff so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This thread is hardly used but I know there's a good few here that read comics. So I think I'm gonna post books I like every so often from now on. It would be cool to do a reading club like we're doing with Netflix if folk were keen...

Anyways a couple of books I've liked recently..

The first is Airboy..


The story about this book is James Robinson was asked by Image Comics to reboot Airboy, a golden age character from the 1940's. Reluctantly he accepted but he had no idea what to do with character.

So he decided to reboot it by telling an autobiographical story of him...having no idea what to do with the character..


It has a nice twist at the end too. :) interested to see where it goes.

The second book I liked is the Runaways reboot..


The first run of Runaways was awesome. Created by Brian K Vaughan of Saga fame about a group of kids that think their parents might be in an evil superheroe cult. But he left the book to do other things and sadly it went abit shit and got cancelled.. :(

With the Secret Wars event happening they decided to bring it back with Noelle Stevenson who writes the Lumberjanes/Adventure Time books..


It still early days but I think Stevenson was the right choice to take over. I enjoyed it as with a lot of the Secret Wars stuff so far.

Anyone else been reading anything good?

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At the moment I'm only really buying Marvel and Image books (all digitally). I only spend about £20-30 a month maybe more if there's a good sale at comixology on.

I think what keeps that down though is Marvel Unlimited which is basically Marvel's comic Netflix. Costs about £5 a month and is fairly up to date.

If I want to catch up on an event or something I can do it for cheap on there instead of the £50-£100 it would cost me catch the trades route. It's handy.

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