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The Comic Book Thread


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Nice size image Scrooge McDuck! Let us know if that book is as good as you'd hoped.

Aye, Ms Marvel was decent. The original artist is back after a 3/4 issue break. Can't really speak about it without spoiling it though. But it's easily the best Marvel on going at the moment for me.

I've heard that Kamala Kahn might have some sort of appearance in new avengers movie. But I'm not sure how you would introduce Ms Marvel without Captain Marvel first.

Spent about £60 at Comixology on the Jason, Stray Bullets bundle and Love and Rockets sales this weekend. Comixology is worst than Steam No Joke.

Got the app version of Shaun Tan's Rules of Summer too. Might have to look into buying some prints of his art...




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Comixology are giving away 26 comics for free for national comic book day for 1 day only. https://www.comixology.co.uk/National-Comic-Book-Day/page/3587?tid=B140925001_Cross_Pub_National_Comic_Book_Day&utm_source=brick&utm_medium=sale&utm_content=B140925001_Cross_Pub_National_Comic_Book_Day&utm_content=Cross_Pub

Some good shit in there too. Southern Bastards, Lumberjanes, Futures End, Terminal Hero etc.

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Almost bought a Transformers comic today guys..almost. False alarm. Stand down. :P

But the Transformers IDW crossover and infestation stuff are on sale at comixology at the moment. https://www.comixology.co.uk/Transformers-Infestation-1-of-2/digital-comic/11635

I did read a an Dan Abnett comic today though..

Wild's End. A weird mix of Wind in the Willows, War of the Worlds and Shaun of the Dead. I liked it.


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I got back into reading GN's again. Currently into Walking Dead, Invincible, Saga, American Vampire and The Ultimates. Any recommendations based on these choices? I have also read the obvious ones: Watchmen, Y the last man, 100 Bullets, DMZ, Dark Knight, The Boys, Preacher.

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Umm...off the top of my head.

Any of Morrison's Batman stuff, Synder's (of American Vampire fame) New 52 Batman stuff, Transmetropolitan, New Ms Marvel.

Zero, Rat Queens, Black Science, Outlast (by Kirkman of WD and Invincible fame), Southern Bastards, The Fade Out, Fatale on Image. I'll stop there... :)

I read the new Edge of the Spider-Verse today...


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I'm reading that too.

The first 10-15 chapters were really good but I thought it was getting abit soap opera'y in the last 5 or so. 25 has a lot of explaining to do. :)

Been reading a lot of Rachel Rising by Terry Moore over the weekend. Good Halloween book.

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Was going to post this on the film thread but it's comics innit..

Sony and Marvel to "collabrate" and bring Spiderman to the MCU. http://marvel.com/news/movies/24062/sony_pictures_entertainment_brings_marvel_studios_into_the_amazing_world_of_spider-man

Garfield has got the boot and 4 films (Captain Marvel, Thor, Black Panther and Inhumans) have been pushed with a new Spiderman in 2017.

Huge news! Hopefully he'll make some sort of appearance in CA: Civil War.

Now if only they could sort out the Xmen and F4 mess.

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This should go in the films thread too I think, as it directly relates to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and he is already part of the comic book universe.

Excellent news though, its like when somebody has one blue and then buys the other in Monopoly and you know its game over.

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