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The Comic Book Thread


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Why is Superman being attacked by a giant purple dildo?.

It was a gold kryptonite gun... Starro is holding it, so I'm not sure why he would use a gun when he can fire lasers from his tentacles. Idiot.

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Sorry I meant the Kamala Khan Ms Marvel stuff. She got her own book/series this year. It's reeeeeeally good.

I think i read one of Kamala Khan's comics.

Isn't it mainly about fighting supervillians whilst dealing with home life and religion?

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I think i read one of Kamala Khan's comics.

Isn't it mainly about fighting supervillians whilst dealing with home life and religion?

Kinda, i think it's about her dealing with her identity than religion or home life. How far did you get? The last fee issues have had a few awesome cameos.

Tonight's reading..


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Any chance you could make your picture a little bigger? They don't quite fill up my entire monitor.

Hmmm.. I'm using the forum uploader. I think that makes it what ever size it feels like making it.ill use photobucket or something next time.

Also illdizzog pm me an address to send something to. I have a spare volume 1 of The Boys I can give you.

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Any chance you could make your picture a little bigger? They don't quite fill up my entire monitor.

Hmmm.. I'm using the forum uploader. I think that makes it what ever size it feels like making it.ill use photobucket or something next time.

Also illdizzog give pm me an address to send something to. I have a spare volume 1 of The Boys I can give you.

I think it uses the default resolution of what you took the photo in. You could use pbucket, they will scale it, or scale it down on your phone or PC. Or just leave it to annoy illdog.

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