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The Comic Book Thread


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I searched the site, but did not find a comic book thread.


Anyway, I hit up the local comic book shop today.


Here is what I picked up.


Elephantmen! #51

Godzilla #12

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth #3

Danger Girl #1

Dinosaurs Attack #3

Minimates Marvel 2 pack - Ghost Rider and Onslaught figures


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First off great episode of Ultimate Spider-man last night. The shows writers did a good job with bring Jack Russell, a.k.a. Werewolf by Night and the rest of the The Howling Commandos to life on the small screen.

After the show I got around to reading Danger Girl: The Chase #1. The new series definitely came racing out of the gates with a bang and dropped you in the middle of the action at the first page. Tolibao did a fucken wonderful job with the art and so did Fajardo with the color. Andy Hartnell writing was on point and I can only see this series getting better.

After reading this issue I had a hankering to go back and play the PSone Danger Girl game.

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  • 6 months later...

Been reading Transformers Regeneration One of late. Only read Volume One which is like four issues in one book or summink like that but it's been surprisingly good.

Regeneration One carries on form the 80 issue US run of comics in the 80's. I didn't read them, i used to buy the UK ones bu I only used to read the ones drawn by Geoff Senior, ive no idea why but his drawings were the best so I made that choice. I was like 10 or something, go figure.

Anyways, i'd recommend this if you are even remotely entertained by transforming robots. The story is compelling reading and its quite friendly toward noobs, it's a good restart point and makes me wanna dig in to the back in the days shit. Ive got Volume two and three at home now, gonna get on those bad boys post haste. *insert transforming noise here*

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You can often have a search around and find good prices for digital collections of things. Im currently massively looking forward to the upcoming reboot of 'The Amazing Spider-Man' franchise in a couple days, the return of Peter Parker.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Im at the end of Volume 2 currently, it's a really good story, very impressed. It's a tiny little bit confusing at times as it jumps form location to location very quickly but I forgive it for being over all fairly awesome.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Nice! Can't really go wrong with Bendis. ..unless you get him to speak at your E3 press conference. :P

Have you read Ms Marvel at all? You should check that out.

Finally read the first Multiversity today. Was a mind fuck but in a good way.

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Sorry I meant the Kamala Khan Ms Marvel stuff. She got her own book/series this year. It's reeeeeeally good.

Graphics Novels? Um... I'm not sure.

I've recently discovered Shaun Tan. Read The Arrival and Tales of Outer Suberbia. I liked them. The art kinda blew me away...




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