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The Comic Book Thread


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Just finished reading the Akira books, and wow, what a story, I know the films just a basic representation of the events of the Manga but it barely touches on the entire scale that Otomo depicted in those books and despite loving the film, I think only an animated series thats about the same length as Cowboy Bebop could only really handle the entire scope of the books.

I enjoyed every minute of it, and its suprising that it has so many strong characters in there, all with their own individual and social goals and stories. Characters that are only really shown in passing in the film (like Lady Miyako who you see painting symbols on the floor near the train station in the film) play absolutely huge and important parts, Kaori too, who only really features as "Testsuo's girlfriend" in the film has a stronger involvement in the plot and shows genuine care and concern for Tetsuo (whom she meets much later in the books and under different circumstances) and Akira himself, who is also heavily central to everything that happens from roughly the second book onwards rather than just being represented by his cryogenic chamber and alot of flashbacks like he is in the film.

Its testament to the strength of the other characters that Otomo felt confident in having Kaneda and Tetsuo only mentioned in passing in certain issues rather than placing them as the complete centre piece, and you genuinely feel the betrayal that Kaneda feels from Tetsuo's actions, not to mention his anger at what Tetsuo has done to the world and his friends through out the story, then that is all turned on its head for the final third of the last book.

It's an absolutely amazing piece of work, the panels can sometimes be a bit crowded, and its black and white publication doesn't make that any easier, but its well worth reading, even if it is very expensive overall.

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just bought books 16 and 17 in the bleach series, only 8 more to go till i've caught up!


Haven't read 17 yet, thought 16 was a little disappointing, seemed like a lot of padding. I just want them to get on with it!

I'm currently reading "The Walking Dead" its a cross between the romero zombie films and 28 Days later. First book was ok, I've got the second one to read as well, set out some interesting themes, the characters are a little cliché though

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  • 1 month later...

Never thought I'd ever post in here.

As I mentioned in the Batman thread, a mate has lent me The Dark Knight Returns and all he's told me is that Superman is in it and that it's set after Batman retired.

He's also lent me a comic graphic novel called Looking For Group which he insists is not just all World of Warcraft, though it does start out that way.

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I rarely read graphic novels but for some reason I just picked three up - I read The Killing Joke which I didnt think was as great as it was made out to be. Also read Batman Year One - which I really liked - I might get Year Two as well.

The other one I read was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which is really good. The film however is utter shit in comparison.

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Ive read fully up to date with 'The Walking Dead'. Its really something special I think, its incredibly dark, and in some parts fairly unrelenting.

Ive seen a few people are reading this from here too, its great. Cant wait for more.

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The other one I read was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which is really good. The film however is utter shit in comparison.

I bought the individual comics when they originally came out and they are brilliant, really dark. And yes, the film is cock.

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Year One is a good place to start in regards to Batman, for obvious reasons, I've also read All Star Batman & Robin: The Boy Wonder which is another one by Frank Miller and The Dark Knight Returns which is also good, but I think Year One was the better of the 3.

I'm after Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum and Batman Hush as far as Batman books go at the moment, but also want the rest of the House of M series from Marvel.

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The killing joke is pretty good, took me a while to get my hands on it.

I agree with you Stoobie, its not right.

I read the several parter Final Crisis where he dies, and also read 'Battle for the Cowl' where nightwing takes over. I dont mind admitting this, I was genuinely sad for about three days when he dies, although there is a way for him to come back.

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  • 3 months later...

Charly and Rach got me From Hell, Arkham Asylum, Marvel Secret War and Marvel Secret Invasion for Christmas. Reading From Hell at the moment and really enjoying it, I must of been in the minority of people who enjoyed the film, althogh I currently remember very little but I knew before reading this that the film has very little do with the book with which it shares its name (other than the subject material obviously).

It's bloody heavy going though, not helped by the black and white artwork, which admittedly fits in with the tale and setting, which probably also make it harder work than a normal "comic book" would otherwise be, but thats understandable as this is more of a novel and theory rather than some fantasy story about men and women with special powers and spandex. It's also bloody massive, about the same length as an individual volume of Akira actually. Really happy with it as a gift, looking forward to reading the others too, especially Arkham Asylum.

Read that that was actually painted by Dave McKean, which makes you wonder just how much an individual original page or panel would probably fetch at auction.

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I'm on the second to last chapter, and yeah its taken 2 and a half solid days of reading to get this far! There's a suprising amount of detail in some of the panels, little bits of newspaper text and stuff that helps unravel it all.

Its fairly obvious stuff to anyone who knows the slightest thing about the Ripper murders and its not too much of a hair brained theory in all honesty. Some of the stuff thats in there though has taken me by suprise, the sheer graphic nature of what they've done, not just with the murders themselves but with the people connected to it all, however loosely, was a little shocking.

I think my favourite section so far was Gull taking his coachman on a tour of London and teaching him about all the religious symbology within the churches and chapels and how it wasn't really Christian symbology but Druidism and Pagan, with a big fat dollop of Freemasonry thrown in for good measure.

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  • 3 months later...

Bought many Graphic Novels since but this new one has come out to pre-order today! Its by a guy called Dan LuVisi, who does covers and artworks such as DC and Kick-Ass. Hes gone and made his own graphic novel with 230 pages.

Ive been waiting for this a looong time and hes released 3 editions.

Heres a link to them

and check out his art work and his site with the character backgrounds and story.

Preview of the book:


I've gone and pre-ordered the Limited Edition, cant wait :)

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  • 3 months later...

I thought i revive this thread, been getting back into my graphic novels again, juust bought Marvel Zombies Dead Days, Scott Pilgrim Volume 6 and 1602 is on its way.

Bought and sold some over the time and these are the ones i have left.



I might have to get the Walking Dead now and im looking for a cheap mirrors edge graphic novel and i probs pick up the Ghost one too, Any others thats worth picking up?

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no recommendations that aren't manganese (blame! helsing, berserk if you're happy to wait till you're 35 for it to finish).

I got to about book 5 if walking dead before I lost the taste for it. not entirely sure why, but I can't think ofvtoo many characters I liked from it, in fact I would have been quite happy if the main guy and his wife both died.

I've finally finished reading Akira though, the last few pages are a bit cheesy, and the film does a better job of the resentment between tetsuo and kaneda. but it's aged incredibly well

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