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Nice one!

Thanks manicm, all registered fine and I have enough to get the CD now. :D

Jimbo, I have PM'd you the two codes.

I have another code for SSFIV 3D if anyone wants it.

EDIT: Oh. The ALBW soundtrack has disappeared. :(

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For decades, video game fans have been clamoring for some kind of big media translation of Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda. We’ve dreamt of movies, TV shows and everything in between. The closest we’ve come is a brief animated series from the late ’80s. Now, those dreams may be about to come true on a bigger scale.

Netflix is reportedly out to writers for a live-action Legend of Zelda TV series. Nintendo is on board and working closely with Netflix but can ultimately scrap the idea if it doesn’t fit in with their vision of the series. Apparently, the streaming provider sees this as kind of a more family-oriented version of Game of Thrones. Read more about the potential Legend of Zelda TV series below.

The Wall Street Journal broke the news of the Legend of Zelda TV series but no one from Nintendo or Netflix would comment. However, /Film can report we’ve talked to sources who confirm their report.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Nintendo's frequently pushed back support for TVii service on Wii U in Europe has officially been delayed into oblivion. Nintendo made the announcement on its website. You can read the full statement here, or below.

At Nintendo of Europe, we continue to challenge ourselves to develop a range of entertaining experiences for all to enjoy. Due to the extremely complex nature of localising multiple television services across a diverse range of countries with varied licensing systems, regrettably we have taken the decision not to launch the Nintendo TVii service within the European region. Although on this occasion we did not anticipate such challenges, we will always strive to develop a range of entertaining experiences for all our users to enjoy.

Originally planned for launch in Europe in 2013, the service was continually pushed back. Early last year, Nintendo offered an apology for Europe's TVii delay, though at the time it did not offer an adjusted launch date, or even a reason for the continued delay of service. When TVii was initially announced for Wii U, it was only confirmed for North America. The promise of European support came later.

Coupled with the announcement of TVii's cancellation, Nintendo announced a new on-demand anime service for Wii U.

With this in mind, Nintendo of Europe has launched the Nintendo Anime Channel, a new video-on-demand service on Nintendo 3DS which offers users the chance to stream anime series from the likes of Pokémon, Kirby, and Inazuma Eleven. New content will be added regularly and access to this service is granted simply by downloading a free application from Nintendo eShop.

It's unclear if this channel will be making its way to North America at some point in the future.


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isn't crunchyroll on WiiU, which makes Nintendo's thing a bit pointless (unless they offer different shows I guess. If I remember right, there's a pokemon channel app on ios and android which lets you watch all the pokemon anime for free, they'd be better sticking that on WiiU

as for TVii, it might have been interesting, but it's the least surprising news ever that it's been cancelled over here. Actually it is surprising, I thought they'd just never mention it again

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Pokemon Shuffle is out now on 3DS eShop. However:

Each 'play' requires a heart, and you start with five; once used up each heart takes 30 minutes to regenerate. You can use gems / jewels to buy hearts, and it's these jewels that you buy with real money or earn through StreetPass.

Initially the game provides you with in-game items, to the point that you can't 'check-in' online until the 11th stage, after it's explained various mechanics. Checking in triggers a special event and also allows you to buy items, with the economy's details below.

Gem / Jewel Prices

1 Jewel - $0.99 / €0.99 / £0.89
6 Jewels - $4.99 / €4.99 / £4.49
12 Jewels - $8.99 / €8.99 / £8.09
35 Jewels - $24.99 / €24.99 / £22.49
75 Jewels - $47.99 / €47.99 / £42.99


5 hearts = 1 Jewel
18 hearts = 3 Jewels
38 hearts = 6 Jewels
80 hearts = 12 Jewels


3000 coins = 1 Jewels
10000 coins = 3 Jewels
22000 coins = 6 Jewels
48000 coins = 12 Jewels

[Nintendo Life]

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