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Yeah. I'll pick it up. I've never played any of the Prime series.

I just spent the last of my Stars on the Super Mario Galaxy OST. I have a ton of duplicate codes that I'm going to register on my son's account though. I still have some other spares that I'll list at some point.

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Nintendo have just added the Zelda: ALBW soundtrack to the site. 3000 Stars.

I just registered 2150 worth on my son's account. A load of 3DS titles have expired. Steel Diver, Pilotwings, Ridge Racer and Dead or Alive Dimensions. If they worked I'd have had enough for the soundtrack. :(

I have a code for SSFIV 3D and LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D if anyone wants them. Worth 250 each.



I want it. :(

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