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I'm not saying this is Nintendo at the height of their power of course, but let's just say it's more than I was hoping for. I think everyone looked at Tears of the Kingdom last year and was convinced that this was going to be the system's swansong and we'd have Switch 2 a year later, so to see this and find a solid 4 or 5 games I'll be picking up was a pleasant surprise.


But then again you could sell me trashbags for 50 bucks if they have Samus on it so maybe I'm a bit biased.

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Same, really.  It's not that I think it was a great Direct, just better than I expected.  The last couple were also very low-key and I expected it to be more of that but probably the last one for the Switch having a little more spark to it was a pleasant surprise.  While M&L and the Zelda Zelda won't be A list Nintendo I think they look neat, and finally seeing Prime 4 was cathartic.

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I’m blown away by M&L that’s a full on AAA game coming out of no where and so much bigger and brighter than any game in the series has ever been. It’s also been around 10 years since the last one. So it’s been a long time as well. For me that was the best game of the Direct and if I were them I would have switched M&L’s & Metroid 4’s places.

Tbh when people say this Direct wasn’t as good as the last or compare this year’s Xbox show to last year’s Xbox show, I never remember them. I can’t remember what the last Direct was like and Improbably won’t remember this one by the time the next one rolls around. I just watch it and gauge by how interested or excited I was for what was shown, not think about how it compares to previous shows.

I dunno why everyone hold’s these presentations feet to the fire all the time like they’re grading exams and only accept the highest scores. Or will only give them the nod if they turn the earth upside down. Maybe I’m just easily impressed/excitable but I feel like the only poor show this year was PlayStation*. And even then they had Astrobot. It’s just a bit of fun/


And as far as fun goes, yesterday’s Direct was great for the big stuff (which honestly is most important because it’s Nintendo games at a Nintendo show) and the smaller stuff was extremely hit’n’miss with a couple of exceptions like IMO and MvC Collection. I’m also really excited about DQ3. I know it’s another remake but I’m more forgiving when it’s a near 40 year old NES game.


*Scratch that. Ubisoft was the poor show this year

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Saw this mentioned somewhere else, but it's probably not a great idea to get a Lite cause it's harder to deal with stick drift on it, so maybe in the long run it doesn't come out much cheaper. I guess on regular switches you can get third party hall effect controllers, maybe.

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I saw some of this video about the Nintendo Direct 2021 and the first 30 minutes is a pretty interesting look at what Nintendo can be like when it comes to its worst tendancies.



It's like all it takes are a few stubborn old heads.

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This 'people in charge being out of touch but still thinking they know better' is probably something we're all dealing with somewhat regularly. Moments like those mentioned in the video happen to us, of course on a significantly smaller scale, at least once per month ('Hey, we had this get-together with age 90+ seniors and made a super blurry photo and asked nobody if we were allowed to. Go post this on our social channels').


The odd thing about it is that Nintendo Direct as a format being a thing always suggested to me that they had a decent enough grasp on this whole digital communication stuff, but it seems like that was just a lucky coincidence as a result of them not wanting to pay E3 money anymore.

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The part with the massive controllers cracked me up. When you see them handling those gigantic Wiimotes in the background it looks like soldiers carrying around mortar shells. Overall it looks very charming, but I doubt I'll ever find myself in that neighbourhood in this lifetime to check it out.

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