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Is this an indie? I think it could be so it gets an 'indie' sticker.

But the game! It's pretty good!

I say pretty good but what I mean is it's text book good. It doesn't do anything wrong and it uses the 'Metroidvania' template pretty well and has some interesting uses of its mechanics (I'm getting sick of using that word but I don't want to get specific as they get kinda surprising).

What I will say is that there is a flip dimensions ability that mixes things up, but only in the same way as Outland does. Remember that game? Guacamelee! is a lot like Outland in some ways so if you liked that you'll like this. But I suppose the combat is better in this. You're a Mexican Wrestler so flinging folks about is important and you do have a big repertoire of combos and moves to do that are fun to pull off and hurt things a lot.

You also have a bunch of fun internet jokes to laugh at about cats and stuff in the game, you know, all that referential stuff we enjoy. Like you climb a big mountain and near the top you find the the dead body of the thing from Journey and you go 'hahaha! I know that reference! Choozo Staues! hahaha!'
It's so funny, it's like those guys who make the Scary Movie films and stuff made it.

In summery: a pretty well made game that is fun but with with shite, incestuous nerd comedy. Play Outland instead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finished this a second time the other day. Well, I mean I just scoured the area for the items you need for the good ending.

Those trinkets are actually pretty well hidden and you have to think outside the box a little to find them. Some you need to go through the most evil obstacles courses to get to them. I wish the main game had a bit of what was in those secret courses as they were kinda Super Meat Boy-esque in terms of design (of course it doesn't handle as well as Meat Boy)

But I enjoyed the stuff hunting a whole lot and even started to look beyond the crap jokes and enjoy the game more. I wish the combat was a bit tighter as well because it doesn't seem like it's keeping up with you some of the time. Maybe I'm just too good.

I even started another game on hard which I hope to finish, too.

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I was breezing through this on hard like the legend of games then I got to the Jaguar guy. Fuck that guy.

I could go back and find more pieces of heart for extra health but that would be a hell of a detour as there isn't any warp points until after the boss so... y'know.

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  • 2 months later...

Did anyone else not get it? Well they have snuck some DLC out for it



It's weird that the core game is cross play yet it seems you have to buy the DLC for the individual platform.

I've bought it, it's just £1.99 and it's supposed to be pretty tough.

EDIT: I can't get the Vita link to work. *shrugs* Something weird going on on the site.

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Coming to PC:

Today, IGN can confirm that Guacamelee! is coming to Steam. It will be available on Thursday, August 8th, and will cost $14.99 (£11.99 and €13.99 for our European readers). Oh, and it will come packing a bunch of goodies, too.

In addition to the main game, Guacamelee! Gold Edition comes with two DLC packs – the Costume Pack and The Devil’s Playground – as well as full Steam functionality, including Steam Trading Cards, Achievements, leaderboards, cloud saving, and more.

And if you purchase Guacamelee! Gold Edition in the first week it’s on Steam, you’ll get DrinkBox Studios’ previous game, Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, completely free of charge.


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  • 4 months later...

Playing through this courtesy of PS+.

I'm an hour or two in and starting to feel a little lost. I think I am actually going on the right track but getting the Metroid style powers is making me feel I should backtrack to go and open up the bits I couldn't get to before.

I like the look of it and I do dig the writing even if some of the references are a little too forced.

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Got quite a bit further and did end up backtracking.

I think I've only got one colour move to get, got the ability to change dimensions and into, um, something else.

I'm now in a part where I had to stop for the night because the platforming is getting a little ridiculous with swapping dimensions mid-air. Like DC said, it is very much like Outland.

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I think I should state I ended up liking this game a lot despite my not enjoying the humour. It is a really good game but it just lacks something to make me really, really like it, and I can't put my finger on what it is.

I think it might be better then Outland... I dunno, I'd have to play that again to be sure. They are similar, but have different focuses.. maybe because they are different games.

I hate this game because I do want to sneer at it, and I do, but then I have gathered a whole bunch of high level trophies off it so I dunno my relationship I have with this damn game. I guess it's like some lady I don't respect but fuck all the time... I dunno what that actually feels like, but I imagine it would feel something like that from what I've read.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was breezing through this on hard like the legend of games then I got to the Jaguar guy. Fuck that guy.

i'm probably playing on easy (if it's an option) but am pretty stuck here. must have retried 20+ times and best i did was get him to half health.

before that i was liking the game quite a lot, it's difficult but introduces stuff at a good pace and gives a good sense of achievement. its a fine line between too hard and no challenge but i think this does a good job most of the time. im rubbish at fighting games though and the jaguar guy is a step too far. i'll give it another go tomorrow.

oh is there any way of knowing if when you hit him it'll stun/throw him? or, like he does to me most of the time, just do another move and knock me back?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got stuck on this guy, a chunk of it comes down to luck, for example, if he gets a yellow shield, then you're likely to get hit.

I managed to beat him in the end by taking off the shield, then doing the power uppercut, mashing to get three hits in the air followed by doing the powerslam (down and circle), then the second my feet hit the floor going back into a power uppercut, keeping the guy in the air for as long as possible while beating the crap out of him.

you can also hide if you need a breather

grab a wall and power-run to the top, if your in the top left or right corner, you'll almost never get hit.

I'm loving this game! some clever little puzzles in there, but a really great sense of satisfaction when you get to a platform that looked mind bendingly impossible right up until when you land it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

LOVE this game. I'm a fair way in I think but can't smash blue blocks yet. Really tricky/fun (mainly) platforming. Some of the areas where you jump and switch dimensions at a time are quite difficult, took a while to get my fingers to do what I wanted, it's a brain teaser for sure.

So far it is my favourite Vita game, not bothered about many of the others. Funny as it was only ever a download right?

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Oh good lord, I've reached 'The Jaguar Guy' too. He is mean! Usually I can dodge most attacks but his seem far harder to do so. This game is mean.

yeah, that's a serious bullshit difficulty spike,

jump yourself up into a top corner (ninja leap up there and cling on) you won't get hit in either of the upper corners.

Compose yourself, work out what shield breaking attack you need to do, get in a suckerpunch, and jump out and hide again.

If you're lucky it'll be mostly red shields, if you're unlucky, it'll be yellows (I found yellows a pain to hit every time without fail)

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So far I've mainly had yellow and blue, the two that seem to be the most fiddly, I'll get there or I'll sell the Vita :D

I found blue not too bad, because you're holding the direction towards what you want to hit, I could wrap my head around the red attack, because that's up and special.

I'd normally do green, the spash attack, by doing and uppercut first and dropping right into the green move.

I promise you the final boss is much easier and follows a series of cues before attacking. the jaguar guy is sad difficulty spike in an otherwise lovely game.

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