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Gunman Clive


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I've seen this game around quite a bit but not paid too much attention to it, but the creator started a thread on Gaf the other day detailing how it had sold. If I remember right the pc/mac version hadn't sold much at all, the ios a bit, Android a decent amount because it had been featured in the Staff Picks section, but the platform it had sold best on was the 3DS. Again it had been featured, still is under Winter Picks (or something like that), but the key thing for me is that it's only £1.99

It plays a bit like a not as hard Megaman, not that it's easy, just that it's not as hard as Megaman. You can jump and you can shoot, you can't shoot up, you can't shoot diagonally, but you can duck. The stages are pretty short, you're scored based on how quick you do them, and at the end of a set of stages there's a boss fight. The boos fights might be my favourite thing about the game, they aren't massively hard, it just takes a bit of old fashioned skill and patience to beat them.

It does suffer the way Megaman did in that it's ever so slightly unfair. There's plenty of times where you'll jump, which will make the screen scroll forward, spawning an enemy to fire or fly at you and knock you to your death. You have unlimited lives though, it's just a case of starting from a checkpoint (more often than not the start of the stage). It's not very long, but apparently the 3DS version has extra stuff. It does look pretty nice, the 3D isn't too intrusive, and it is pretty cheap compared to most stuff on the 3DS

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  • 6 years later...

This was cheap as shite on the Switch, it’s both games in HD. I’m not loving it to be honest, it’s s little boring and the progress can be a bit too trial and error for me (enemies spawn not far in front of you sometimes, worse when they’re in the air, Dangerman touched on this in OP) that shit winds me up. You get knocked back when you get hit which can be annoying on small platforms but the controls are fairly tight. 


I’ll probably carry have a good go of finishing both games but at the moment the £4 or whatever I paid seems about right.

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