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Curiosity : What's In The Cube?


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What's in the cube? A broken server, that's what.

It took me ages to finally get in and then trying to buy the stats screen (only costs 100 coins which you'll get in about 10 seconds) is proving impossible.
The "game" itself is exactly as Molyneux described and they point out in the about page that it's not a game and is more of an experiment so it's weird to see people so dismissive and angry about it. It hasn't been out long and already the first layer is nearly gone.

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This is so damn addictive. It's like virtual bubble wrap :(

Tap tap tap tap tap...

I dismissed it to start with, but after showing some friends and getting them involved I found myself tapping away cubelets whenever I had a spare minute. There's actually slightly more depth than I gave the app credit for. There are combos and chain bonuses for continuous taps and screen clear bonuses based on how many cubelets you have cleared from the screen in one go. Granted, it's not that deep but it's more than I was expecting.

Tap tap tap tap tap...

I expected microtransactions up the wazoo but there aren't any so far. Just the coins you earn in-game from tapping cubelets and there's no way to buy more with real money. Not sure how they're making money with this project as there are no ads either, maybe that's just not the aim here.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap... Damn you Molyneux wave_smiley.gif

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They're having some serious server issues with regards to coin totals atm. I accrued around 100K coins last night and logged back in to less than 5K this morning. Did some more tapping this afternoon and got back up to 300K, then 30 mins later I was back to just over 20K. A little later it bumped me back up to just over 50K and it's now settled to 33K where it's been for a while.

Considering the price of the various special items that destroy more cubes they really need to sort this, although it is kind of funny to read about people getting furious over losing heaps of coins they've saved up and proclaiming a rage-quit :D

I'm assuming it's to do with when you tap in the same area as others, coupled with server lag meaning you're effectively trying to tap cubes that only exist on the client and not on the server. Once it talks to the server it adjusts your coins accordingly. It'll only get worse as the cubes dwindle if the server issues continue so it's probably best not to get too attached to your purse.

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It is on Android as well but is meant to be fucked so may well have been pulled.

It's a shame because the servers just can't handle the amount of people trying to play it, so the vision of the world all chipping away at the same time just isn't happening. A crueler person than me would say "another one of Molyneux's over-promising bullshit!" but I'm genuinely saddened that it just doesn't work properly. The chances are everyone will just give up and it will never get finished and the experiment will have failed except to prove their lack of server bandwidth.

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If we can have hundreds of thousands of players logged in at once playing MMO's, I'm pretty sure it's possible to have people tapping a few cubes in real time. They'll get it sorted eventually.

God, I can't believe I'm sticking up for Molyneux... fucking hate that guy dry.gif

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  • 5 months later...


There are 50 layers left until we discover what’s at the centre of the Curiosity cube, Peter Molyneux has revealed.

His studio 22cans confirmed today that Curiosity players that update to version three through Google Play and the App Store will find just 50 layers remaining.

Molyneux’s experimental first release through 22cans invites players to tap away at a simple cube, gradually removing its layers until they reach the centre. Molyneux has promised that just one person will discover what’s at the cube’s centre, and has suggested that the prize is “life-changing.”

“If it goes at the same rate as it has at its height [to date] then we’ll be going through about ten layers a day – that means it’ll be all over in five days,” Molyneux told us. “If it goes at the same rate that it is at the moment – one layer a day – it’s going to take fifty days. It shouldn’t be too much longer but it really depends on how many people come back on to the cube.”

There are also a number of other new features in the Curiosity update, including an ‘auto-tapper’ which will tap for you when you’re not online, plus the ability to see how much the cube has shrunk down by scrolling around the room.

I'm guessing the prize inside the cube is Bill Gates laughing his dick off that he managed to get rid of some dead weight from Microsofts budget.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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