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Hotline Miami


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I honestly wasn't sure what to expect when I stuck it on. Two hours and a lot of swearwords later I understood how great this game is. It's equal parts manic frustration at getting laid out for the 50th time and utter joy at finally smashing that last enemy's head in with a pipe. The controls are so well implemented the game never feels at fault regardless of how many times you get nailed.

It has this weird 80's Killer 7 vibe mixed with a fantatic soundtrack (available on Soundcloud, definitely worth a listen: http://soundcloud.co...-miami-official) which all mashes together and reminds me heavily of the movie Drive. Everything about the game just fits together so well.

Certainly worth a punt a £7, just a shame there isn't a demo for those that are unsure.

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I thought Fez had the best title screen i'd ever seen. Well i'll be damned if Hotline Miami isn't just as amazing. Indie game artists are talented...to put it mildly.

I haven't seen Drive but i love the soundtrack too, it sounds like Animal Collective.

The reason why i'm not commenting on the gameplay is because one minute in i ran into a huge problem - WARNING - the game requires you to hold down the shift key to scan ahead, well it turns out my laptop has a setting called "filter keys" that comes on if you hold down the shift key for 8 seconds. Filter keys means the computer waits five seconds to recognise any button you press on the keyboard. So you will only start moving after a direction button has been held down for five seconds etc. So if this happens you, don't worry, your computer isn't dying. Just turn filter keys off. :fist:

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Soundtrack is so awesome, had it playing on my iPhone all day. Does funny things to your brain listening to it too much blink.gif

Had to take all the .ogg files in the install folder and convert them to .mp3 in the end. Bit of a cheap shit way to get it I know, but they've made it incredibly difficult to buy all the tracks at once. Because it's by a variety of different artists you can get four tracks here and another couple over there. Bleh, ain't nobody got time for that. Put them all in one place and you can have more of my monies.

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One of the songs on Hotline is done by the guy that did all of Lone Survivor. Just wanted to point that out.

I must admit, like I said in the other thread I'm struggling with the controls but it's not so much of a problem as while it's pretty fast paced at points you have time to plan. I like planning. It is a puzzle-y type game and it mostly reminds me of a faster paced Hitman game, mostly.

Y'know; watching enemy patterns and dealing with them. But in a more top-down action-y kind of way.

It's good. I always die and it's a re-spawn in a Super meat Boy kinda way so it's not that annoying.

Look at all those hyphens.

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How does saving work in the game? I've done the first couple of missions (basically up to the second day), but it doesn't look like the game was autosaving...

Seems like you just select the chapter you were on and it gives you the option to play the chapter intro or not. Bit weird there's no continue button.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've put a few more hours into it now and I think I'm kinda getting the hang of things. I still die a lot when things get hectic and I can't get very good grades at the end of a level. I got an A once but only because loads of enemies heard my gunfire and came through a door one by one into a hale of bullets.

I'm on chapter 9 now and it's getting more difficult but I reckon I can handle it as long as I keep keep at a slow pace. I just don't have the dexterity to play it at a high level (going for the top score etc).

The story is getting pretty good too. I suppose it's simple; cliche, even, but I wasn't expecting any at all so it has still been a pleasant surprise.

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Tips from the developer, Cactus, on getting the game to work with a controller.

Xbox 360 Control Testing

So, we have had control support ready since launch, although not fully polished. The reason we took it out was that players need updated drivers for the controller to work correctly, the ones that come pre-packed with your controller don't work.

If you would like to try out the game with your Xbox 360 Controller, here's how to do it:

1) Update your drivers here (make sure you get the right ones for your OS!):


2) Put a file named "xbox2" (no file extension!) in your game directory ( Steam\steamapps\common\hotline_miami\ )

3) Make sure your controller is plugged in and calibrated correctly!

4) Now you're ready to launch the game. The controller should be working by the time you reach the start menu (not the steam dialog).

To disable the controller, simply remove the "xbox2" file from your directory and restart the game!

The tutorial doesn't display the correct keys in the current build and you will not be able to re-configure the controls.

Correct controller setup is as follows:

-Start or A to select.

-Back to return or pause the game.

-Left stick to move.

-Right stick to aim.

-Right trigger to shoot.

-Left trigger or right shoulder to pick up.

-A to do a ground kill.

-Press right stick to lock on to nearest enemy.

-Start or A to advance dialogue.

There are some minor annoyances with the controls currently that we will do our best to smooth out. Feedback is very welcome and will help us get everything right!

PS. If your controller is not plugged in correctly before launching the game or the game cannot find it for some reason, you will experience massive slow down.

I'm finding it plays brilliantly with a controller.

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This stuff frightens me. It's probably very simple in practice but to be honest I'm on Chapter 13 out of 14 now so I've got this far walking into things all awkwardly so I'll see it to the end with the M&K.

I was unsure going into it if I'd really like it but I have been pleasantly surprised by the game, and with myself for sticking with it. It's such an addictive game that has that 'one more go' factor.

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Finished it last night. I loved it for the atmosphere, it feels dirty, gritty and strung out, the story and what you're doing is fucked up and it plays brilliantly.

I love building up a plan, it all going terribly wrong, and coming back to try again with that new knowledge. And when you finally execute a combo and clear out a room full of guys, it feels awesome.

Not entirely sure what was going story-wise, but enjoyed it anyway.

Only low points were maybe the

hospital stealth section, and the weird boss fight with the bloke sitting at his desk

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  • 2 weeks later...

got this in the steam sale, on about level 5 - took ages because of many many deaths. really like it though, just as said above the music is brilliant, and the restarting and gameplay is so quick dying a lot doesn't make it too annoying - like DC says - similar to meat boy.

the enemies can be random, sometimes they'll turn round and stab you, other times they won't notice you behind them. rooms with 2 people i can cope with, get one with the door, throw your gun at the other - stuff like that when it comes off is pretty cool, or just run in and punch them both. but i'm not very good at planning/doing it slowly - like rooms with 4 people i haven't got a clue, seems like luck when i get past them, or shooting to attract their attention then get them one by one as they walk through the door - but that attracts attention from other places so you can easily die. i don't like dogs.

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Happened twice to me, didn't realise it was a Windows 8 thing as it happened in two different places.

According to the devs it's caused by the amount of sounds being played when a glass pane is smashed. Level 10 seems to be the place where most people are seeing the issue though. They say the level can be skipped by editing the saves.dat file and changing the 0 that corresponds to level 10 to a 1 (marking it as complete).

Not ideal but I may do it anyway. Apparently the boss at the end of level 10 is a complete cunt so it may actually be worth doing.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Back into this, at the restuarant stage now. Level 6 or 7 i think. I unlocked the samurai sword and Dennis (wolf) mask. My ratings so far have been shite (varying from F+ to C+), with some levels not having any rating at all so maybe the game let me skip ahead. I can't remember! Plenty of replay value. :)

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Haven't tried this yet but I did buy the soundtrack with the game and have it on headphones right now while I sit in a library.

All the files were mp3's but had to hunt them all out within iTunes because they're various composers and various albums and EP's - then I could make a playlist to put them all in.

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It's weird them selling the soundtrack on steam now. The songs are already in the game's folder as .ogg format files.

I recently went and looked up a few of the artists in the soundtrack via soundcloud and bandcamp, and bought some of their other stuff. Terror 404 by Perturbator is pretty good and atmospheric. I also got some of Moon's EPs and El Huervo's double album.

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